Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Ehh.. just being honest man.

That said, the effort they're making with the real sets / practical effects etc, is very cool. Add the big three into the mix, & at least VII will be a great nod to the past. Without those vintage components though, the franchise is running on the smell of an oily rag. Enter Disney the marketing juggernaut. They'll be beating this horse for a long long time to come.

Kyle Stimpy, the Quack legion, Tracey & PS4 Lara aren't going to make this film memorable though.
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I've never had problems with loud or annoying audiences at a movie premiere. Lucky I guess :)

My favorite movie premiere memory is the midnight screening of Return of the King. My dad managed to get tickets by getting in just after the people that had been camping for tickets, and we had alot of cosplayer/hardcore Lotr nerds there. The guy next to me was in full armour!

And I absolutely failed my chemistry exam I had at 9 AM the next day.

You're most welcome

:lol :rock Cheers, brother! :duff

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I'm not trying to be negative - & I've deliberately tried to stay out of this thread to avoid spoiler talk, but from all that I've seen so far, I'm personally not that enthused really.. which is unfortunate, & I'm a life long fan.

Despite my light jabs here & there, I like aspects of the PT as well, but I think JarJar Abrams is doing another Star Trek job on this to be honest. The first one's going to be fluff & pomp, then the sequel will be a wet dog.. then back to the 'dark times' again.
Welcome to the "No Hope" club, created in memory of Alec Guinness.


I found it a questionable title at first too, but I guess balance was restored at the end of Ep VI so The Force has gone into stasis. Luke has probably gone into exile to ensure it stays that way.
Hmm.. possibly - I don't read the comics or novels, so I'm basing my opinion solely on the events in the films.

Both Luke & Leia were force sensitive though, so.. stasis? They were probably honing their art in secret, but still active custodians.
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Snoopy, infract that man! Infract him now.

Damn. Wasn't a moment too soon that he got to see the film was it.

How horribly sad. He was diagnosed in JULY , and gone in November.At least he got to see Star Wrs, that was very nice of Disney... My father in law was as healthy as could be , on June 1st of 2005, he was diagnosed with cancer and gone July 1st. 30 freakin days! Scary....
How horribly sad. He was diagnosed in JULY , and gone in November.At least he got to see Star Wrs, that was very nice of Disney... My father in law was as healthy as could be , on June 1st of 2005, he was diagnosed with cancer and gone July 1st. 30 freakin days! Scary....

That's terrible, sorry. My friends dad went to the doctors the other month with a cough, passed out there and never woke up. I guess the moral is to enjoy life while we can, Star Wars and all. I'm glad this guy had his last wish granted, kudos to Disney and JJ for that.
Daniel Fleetwood, the terminally ill guy who got to see Star Wars early passed away today. He was only 32 years old, makes you think...

Star Wars fan Daniel Fleetwood dies days after getting his wish to see The Force Awakens early | News | Culture | The Independent

Sad news. :(

But at least he was able to see TFA before he passed. Rest in Peace, Daniel.

Snoopy, infract that man! Infract him now..

:lol Yes, sir! :lol

How horribly sad. He was diagnosed in JULY , and gone in November.At least he got to see Star Wrs, that was very nice of Disney... My father in law was as healthy as could be , on June 1st of 2005, he was diagnosed with cancer and gone July 1st. 30 freakin days! Scary....

Sorry to hear that, Darthrazz, and yes it is scary.