You know that's what I thought but some of these recent "event" movies with threads where we both show up tend to be the ones where I try (and usually succeed) to go along for the ride where you, as you say, aren't quite as forgiving.

Otherwise we seem pretty in sync and it all comes down to degrees of like/dislike.
As for your list:
Training Day --LOVED, probably should have included it on mine I just haven't revisited it in at least 10 years
Collateral--Didn't see
Gone Baby Gone--Didn't see
Blood Diamond--Upsetting but that was the point, a very well made film
Unbreakable--Loved it until the last 5 minutes
Book Of Eli--Pretty good (I'm actually surprised this made your list, I wouldn't have guessed)
The Raid and The Raid 2 (Once Netflix effing gets these films I'll finally be able to see them, until then...still haven't)
Prisoners--Didn't see
The Town--Didn't see
The Hateful Eight--Tarantino reviewed to release the Roadshow version in my city so I said "eff him, I'm not paying to be punished by what he publicly calls a lesser version of the film." If it is ever released on blu-ray that's the version I'll watch.
Django Unchained'--First 2/3 loved, final 1/3 I thought was very poor
Whiplash--VERY good!
The Fighter--VERY good!
Silver Linings Playbook--Again, very good
Zero Dark Thirty--Still haven't seen
Nightcrawler--Haven't seen
Looks like I've a ways to go to catch up to you. 
I Saw the Devil
The Reef
Both Planet of the Apes films
Tron Legacy (Better then TFA )
Man on Fire
13 Hours