Just finished the game. Graphic is great but it's too short.
How short...when compared to the first?
Just finished the game. Graphic is great but it's too short.
Does anyone remember back to the first game when
Starkiller is stabbed by Vader in front of the emperor? Does anyone think that he was cloned instead of brought back to life???
A SW game with a open world like RDR or GTA would rock. You already have the Light/Dark with RDR.
It makes me sick knowing that TFU is the biggest selling SW game of all time. Meh.
Yeah even more so than KOTOR games. Man, I need to play them again. Are they BC with the 360??
It makes me sick knowing that TFU is the biggest selling SW game of all time. Meh.
This game is bull____. It has got to be the shortest game I have ever played!!
At the point where you have to decide light side or dark side I thought I was about half way through but then after the cut scene the credits start to roll....WTF?!
What an over hyped piece of crap.
You only visit 3 planets and I shouldn't even mention Dagobah because it is such a non event. The first one is 10 times better.
Gonna go swap this for the new Castlevania.
Don't buy this game unless you can get on the cheap side...
The marketing is what did it. I was all hyped about it when it came out. After playing it, that hype faded to boredom.
I've had a pretty optimistic approach to this game, but he's right. Oh well, I guess I'll replay the game one more time using the Boba Fett suit on Unleashed difficulty, then probably just trade it in some time next week![]()