It’s funny. You can count on one hand all the ST defenders and just laugh at some of the remarks made. About how the ST was such a huge impact. Yea it made an impact alright. Making people not care about star wars anymore. There is absolutely no hype for TROS. PT beat the franchise up badly but it healed its wounds afterwards and kept going, ST beat the franchise with a crowbar and burned its house down.
You're describing the slave boy Anakin as he perhaps *should've been* portrayed. But that's not the "little Ani" we see on screen. Instead, we get a portrayal devoid of any of the characterization that you're attributing to the writing. If he was demonstrably resentful of his enslavement, we wouldn't have seen him exclaiming "BOOM!" and irreverently slapping his hand on the table when describing what would happen to a slave if the perimeter devices they wear got triggered. The "he's just acting like a kid" excuse doesn't cut it, because you can't have it both ways. His portrayal can't be expected to convey the gravity of the deep insights you attribute to him while simultaneously making him seem like a carefree kid jubilantly making his way through the day.
Anakin wasn't portrayed as so much of a "disposable piece of property" when Lucas went out of his way to have Watto talk up the boy's skills at fixing things and racing pods. Watto valued Anakin's skills, and Anakin knew it. The idea of a "lonely, sad" boy is undercut by his group of friends gathered around his pod racer (one even exclaiming how "wizard" it was), and by his exclamations of "YIPPIE!!" He was presented as a boy who raced pods in major events, built his own droid, and had enough value to Watto where Anakin didn't seem the least bit intimidated by him. He was clearly loved by his mother, and confident/arrogant enough to be confrontational with Sebulba without any apparent fear of severe repercussions.
I never got why Padme never went back after the events of the first movie to free Anakin's mom. She probably could have gotten the cash together. Also revealing this to Anakin in Episode 2 could have been something for him to bond with her over.And he wasn't "taken away from his mother." He was freed, and encouraged to go. His mother was grateful, and even reassuring when asking Anakin, "What does your heart tell you?" The young version of this character may have been in a setting that could've lead to rich character depth, but the execution didn't match the potential.
With a little bit of foresight he could have been thrown in Episode 1 as a Jedi council member who privately encourages Qui Gon to "play the game" a little bit more in order to win favor with the order, who then resigns at the end after Qui Gon is killed. Could have added a lot to a character that should have been more interesting.Even if Dooku was "a Master Jedi disenchanted with the Status Quo," he still ended up in servitude to Sidious. How is that so different from the disenchantment with the Republic/Jedi Order that Anakin experienced. What role Dooku actually played, and how much he knew, remains relatively unclear to this day. I don't even think Dooku's role as apprentice "Darth Tyranus" is one that all fans fully understand.
Oh yeah because Rose Tico's "I saved you dummy. That's how we're gonna win. Not fighting what we hate, saving what we love." is so much better
It’s funny. You can count on one hand all the ST defenders and just laugh at some of the remarks made. About how the ST was such a huge impact. Yea it made an impact alright. Making people not care about star wars anymore. There is absolutely no hype for TROS. PT beat the franchise up badly but it healed its wounds afterwards and kept going, ST beat the franchise with a crowbar and burned its house down. melodramatic. You mean it burned the house down for YOU.
I’ve been breathing SW since I was a kid many many years ago and while I don’t care too much about the PT (only really loathe TPM) and find that TFA and Solo didn’t really add much to the world, I love TLJ and Rogue One. That’s another opinion for you. And I’m aware that it’s not universal. melodramatic. You mean it burned the house down for YOU.
I’ve been breathing SW since I was a kid many many years ago and while I don’t care too much about the PT (only really loathe TPM) and find that TFA and Solo didn’t really add much to the world, I love TLJ and Rogue One. That’s another opinion for you. And I’m aware that it’s not universal.
Really? Then why does it feel like the fan base as a whole is so divided then?
I think is divided also, but its been that way since PT.
Just read this thread. Some people apparently like PT......And other like the ST.
So the division occurred many many years ago. ST just highlighted more differences in the fan base than people knew.
I am always amazed when people claim AOTC is even watchable...:at all. But some fans love swinging lightsabers like crazy, massive CGI set pieces and tender love stories mixed together.
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Watching Empire on TNT right now...
One thing that seems to be forgotten in the ST is the "used galaxy" look. Everyone is dirty in Empire, especially Luke and Yoda.
Vader was shiny AF tho.![]()
Watching Empire on TNT right now...
One thing that seems to be forgotten in the ST is the "used galaxy" look. Everyone is dirty in Empire, especially Luke and Yoda. I can't remember anyone in the ST being dirty, even after a TIE crash. But then, the PT is also unusually clean. All that CGI, all shiny and sparkly. Only time I remember dirty clothes is when Anakin and Obi are fighting in lava.
Yeah, 'clean' equated to "not to be trusted" in the OT. The Empire and Lando's Cloud City were both too clean. It was a nice touch.
Now, since everyone in the ST is basically clean, they have to have their "empire" be so clean they are greasy shiny with satin uniforms.
Well they sweat alot .....
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
I am always amazed when people claim AOTC is even watchable...:at all. But some fans love swinging lightsabers like crazy, massive CGI set pieces and tender love stories mixed together.
I believe that TLJ will be one of the most appreciated SW movies in the future... I know that a lot of people will call me an idiot for saying that, but I really do. (...with a ‘directors cut’ it could be a brilliant movie)
...but Wor is right, only R1 has been dirty enough since ESB
Khev sees Rey as bit dirty.
That's mostly Finn and Poe that do all the sweating though.