Super Freak
Sweet! I'm glad you don't discount ROTJ for its flaws. The ANH/ESB standard can be a blessing and a curse in that respect.
I'm glad you asked.I can get into more of the actual science aspect (if you want) that would make it virtually a non-option in previous contexts/scenarios, but I'll try to keep it simpler here first.
In order for the "Holdo Manuever" to work, the target (Snoke's ship in this case), would need to be in the path of a pre-established hyperspace route. The Death Star, for instance, would not be in the middle of a hyperspace route. Therefore, the opportunity to employ hyperspace kamikaze has that prerequisite because that's how hyperspace travel works (pre-established "lanes" that take you through another dimension of space, but that still need to account for "shadows" of large objects that affect gravitational pulls).*
Also, the kamikaze ship/vessel would need to be large enough to do more than simply cause a minor disruption/damage to the larger target. The Raddus was large enough, but not many other Resistance/Rebellion vessels would be. For someone earlier in the SW timeline to have used the Holdo maneuver against a target as large as a Star Destroyer, he/she would need to sacrifice a cruiser-class starship. That's too costly for a "puny band" of rebellion/resistance fighters. Plus, the target would still need to be lured into a hyperspace lane.
Lastly, the target needs to be relatively still. It can't be a case where a target ship/station is moving at an angle from the the attacking vessel. It would need to be straight-on in order to avoid absurd-level calculations.
The Holdo Manuever had the perfect recipe that wouldn't come up in virtually any other scenario. 1.) a target in the middle of a pre-calculated hyperspace route, 2.) the target moving in a straight and direct line through that route, 3.) size of the attacking vessel being large enough for it to work, and 4.) having no more use for the ship/asset after doing it, and having no other choice.
*Hyperspace routes being the means for lightspeed travel in SW is why one of the other objections/criticisms of TLJ that I've seen on those stupid YouTube videos drives me crazy. "Why didn't the FO just send a ship through hyperspace to get in front of the Raddus?" Because that's not how SW hyperspace works, dammit! It's not like Nightcrawler "bamfing" in the X-Men universe.