This is what I love about this forum. The same guy who wrote all this also hand-made every part of this...

I don't have the same POV on a lot of this, but dayuuuumm... the deep knowledge, attention to detail and passion is just epic.
The thing about Hyperspace lanes is I was hoping you were going to say "in that rebel briefing scene in ROTJ, when Ackbar says..." or even "the Ubese on the Death Star troopers' screens in the opening scene of ROTJ translates as..." because for me there are two kinds of OT SW sources: the kind that matter to me, which is what's onscreen (or stuff made for onscreen back then that isn't seen, for example art or costume parts not seen) and the kind that is sort of interesting confection, eg an explanation a West End Games employee came up with in 1992.
When I say the OT is the "bible" and the "gold standard" I only mean what you see and hear onscreen (or associated materials,) because that is the stuff that turned SW into the iconic thing it is. I understand that for many, the novels are huge (and some were written in that era too) and the source books too, but the reality is, much of it can be declared non-canon all of a sudden (as Disney did,) and some of it can contradict itself (which much of it does.) But most of all, the movies, while GL may have meddled, are what they are.
That being said, I do understand that some of what we know about the OT is shaped by "EU" type stuff - I mean some names were generated by Kenner for crying out loud, and who would have known what a Cloud Car Pilot uniform looked like without the figure?
I just feel overall that there has been a bit of scramble to try to "make right" the issues that stuff like force projection and hyperspace-ramming have unleashed. Here's just one article I've been looking at that is struggling to make it right:
The reality for me is that it isn't even the science or previous reference books that makes these things problematic: it's that they "feel" wrong in terms of SW lore in your gut. Like the rebels were dumb to not use hyperspace ramming before IN SOME WAY. Or that nobody at least raised the possibility in a briefing - it's so obvious if it's indeed possible. It's like Yoda not force projecting to Bespin to help Luke as he's about to be killed - if it was possible, why wouldn't Yoda have sacrificed himself to save Luke?
Part that is to do with "rules" as well, the fuzzy notion of force projection killing you, seemingly by the longer you do it - yet Luke still sits to chat with Leia in TLJ, dying a little every second he sits there. So why couldn't Ben have force projected to Alderaan right from his hut as soon as Luke and R2 showed up to tell them about Leia and the plans? Yes, I'm sure Leland Chee would weigh in on Twitter with a reference to some mid-2000s comic, but it just FEELS wrong. Like Luke can do it, why didn't Ben (same age, presumably same proficiency, same level of urgency)?
And so too with the hyperspace ram thing. If it's about mass, why wouldn't the OT rebels have gotten (or stolen) a few of the very largest ships they could find and direct those at the DSII and not stop the hyperdrive as they do in ROTJ? If it's about routes, then why is the DSII sitting right in front of where the rebel fleet comes out of hyperspace (ie it seems like they screech to a halt right in front of it, and could have continued, albeit with a shield generated around.)
And ref guides themselves are a huge issue: did you know that the size of the DSII has been estimated at anything from 150km to 900km in various sources? Or that Vader's SD length seems to have varied over the years by at least a factor of three? Or that various sources show the Supremacy's length as equivalent to the radius of the DSI (ie suggesting that if mass/size is an issue, a Raddus scale cruiser, or multiple cruisers of that size, could have at least tried the hyperspace ram against the DSI or II and had at minimum catasptrophic affect if shielding was taken out) That's a pretty wide variation for "official sources," especially if we are going to use this stuff for "scientific reality" debates about mass etc.
And what the heck is a hyperspace lane anyway - with asteroids, comets (creatures too - I assume asteroid slugs have to move house from time to time, along with that beastie from Solo

) and millions of ships and objects moving through space, how can you possibly say these are "safe routes" to lightspeed your way through?

So I think the issue with these "explanations" is that they feel wrong in your gut: that our brave, smart, desperate rebels in the OT would have thought of this stuff, or used it in some way to defeat Imperials and even the DSI and DSII. Just as Ben and Yoda, or hell, even Vader, could have used force projection in short non-fatal bursts because they were force/jedi titans and would have known about this powerful tool (but yes, would not have fallen for the "I'm not really here" ruse as Kylo did - I mean you're an idiot, kid.

Anyway, I so appreciate your writing up what you do. You (and Khev too) are gold, man.