He said he could feel Young Ben tuning to the dark side, and in his own weakness and fear, He thought he should end it before it began again. I find this totally plausible with his impulsive character.
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I see this mentioned a lot. But isn't the simple truth that pretty much EVERY young Jedi in training goes through a temptation of the dark side? And therefore every Jedi instructor's job to point this out and talk pupils through it? It would be kind of an expected thing, not this "OMG! Look what's happened!" thing.
And also what a Jedi "sees" - ie Luke somehow foreseeing Ben/Kylo succumbing to the dark side - may or may not actually happen. Yoda made that "seeing the future" thing pretty clear.
It is one of the failings of ROTJ that despite all-black outfits and robot hands/gloves they didn't show Luke go further toward turning to the dark side (there was never a moment where that was in doubt) but TLJ seems to treat turning to the dark side as this highly unusual and also preordained thing when the
exact opposite is true.
I dunno, but I do not see Luke as a Happy person in the last shot of ROTJ. He’s off all alone, it’s only when Leia comes for him that he seems to be happy again. To me he seemed like the outsider , and no one in the remaining group would ever understand what he went thorough.
Never really felt that way about the ending of ROTJ - he is at the end of his path of self discovery. He's placed apart from everyone else because it might have been confusing if the crowd saw the Jedi ghosts (Ewok stampede?)
The immense pressure from everyone looking toward him to fix everything and make it right would definitely cause many to crack. And it’s sorta his continued point about the Rebels always looking to him to take charge and make sure everything stays on course.
This is the confusion again - there's little sense in the OT (while 30 years earlier, the direct timeline precursor to the ST) that anyone is looking at Luke to fix everything or make things right. The Rebellion in truth asks little of Luke throughout the OT - at all.
So again, not sure where this idea of Luke burdened/overwhelmed with demands and expectations comes from. It seems to be at the core of his TLJ persona yet has little to no basis in the OT.
It doesn’t take much to get Luke riled up. He was goaded by Vader into almost falling to the dark side under the threat of his sister. I don’t think it’s a stretch for him to get to the point where he feels the only way to prevent another Vader was to strike down Ben before he became too powerful to defeat. This was just as much a story about Luke’s dark side and fears as anything else.
You seriously felt that Vader very nearly successfully goaded Luke in ROTJ? As I pointed out above, this would have been interesting, but I'd argue there's no point in ROTJ where we believe Luke was now on the path to becoming a new Vader.
I never saw Luke as some perfect hero in any of the films. He was VERY flawed and came out on the good side only after a lot of struggles. It’s not reasonable to think he would be immune to those struggles for the rest of his life. I know we disagree, but seeing Luke as some perfect white knight, that saves the day and is the perfect Jedi would have been boring as hell to me.....
Rey’s character is suffering from this currently in most people’s eyes...
How is Luke flawed? And came out on the good side after a lot of struggles? What good/dark side struggles do you mean? He has great revelations in his journey in the OT, and realizations of abilities and unique gifts that he knows need to be nurtured, but his key struggle often seems to be doing what Yoda/Ben/the-Jedi-path tells him to do versus aiding his friends, or his youthful energy/arrogance versus doing the wiser thing.
That's not exactly a struggle with the good/dark side, and while technically a flaw (immaturity or innocence is a common character flaw in myth stories,) these are not flaws in the sense of Luke really struggling with the good and dark sides of the force.