Driver's face is pure fear after she probes his mind.
My face had pure fear as I watched Han interact with lifeless asian pirates, cgi Rathars, cgi Lupita and then suffer the same death as Palpatine and Maul.
No truer words have ever been spoken.
Well other than Jesus was a fraud
The latter is certainly your opinion.
...and a rather curious choice (as well as off topic) one at that...
No truer words have ever been spoken.
Well other than Jesus was a fraud
I was just referring to his premonition teachings that the Prequel Trilogies were going to be awesome.
this is great.
I need the Ep. 8 trailer... NOW!
TLJ theories in silliest order.
10. Kylo and Rey fall in love.
9. Rey turns to the dark side
8. Luke and Kylo rescue Rey
5. Snoke is Plagues
1. Rey is Vader