Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Star crunch and Zach confirmed bluepilled.


I would disagree with that, there's a line from Finn, I don't know the exact quote, where he's explaining to Rey that Resistance have diverse looks and that was clearly a direct message to be made about race and accepting different people.

There's nothing wrong with media trying to teach acceptance and diversity, but there's a fine line between putting out a message that gets through to people and changes thought, and shoving things in people's face and forcing ideas on them and the media, in wake of all the terrorism and hate crimes and such of the past few years, has been crossing the realm of forced messages. TFA walked that fine line but didn't cross, hopefully TLJ doesn't cross that line.

Movies and music and tv shows are a venu for getting ideas out in the world but they are also entertainment and when something starts to feel like propaganda, it's no longer entertaining and while I have all my past movies I enjoy and can watch for all my remaining years, it would be nice if the media didn't lose sight of their place in the world and kept true to their purpose. I'm sure many films and shows and songs have influenced everyone here without forcing us to agree with their ideas or getting to caught up in the message to care about the delivery.

I didn't take that line as Finn explaining diversity or acceptance. I took it as a kid trying to spin his lie about being a Resistance fighter. :huh
I would disagree with that, there's a line from Finn, I don't know the exact quote, where he's explaining to Rey that Resistance have diverse looks and that was clearly a direct message to be made about race and accepting different people.

That's called "reading into it too much"
That's called "reading into it too much"


That's like me looking at someone and saying, you don't look like a long shoreman, or you dont look like a soldier. It's not about race, it's about what we've come to expect or imagine someone to look like based on what they do. Prior to Raiders, you'd never picture an archaeologist to look like Indiana Jones, but after that movie, that's the first image that pops into your head.
Prior to Raiders, you'd never picture an archaeologist to look like Indiana Jones, but after that movie, that's the first image that pops into your head.

When you go to your accountant, do you expect Ben Affleck? When you think of Batman, who's face do you see?

They need to sex up some other notoriously geeky jobs.
Yeah cool, the director had an "agenda" because he wanted diversity in a flick that spans the entire universe filled with different creatures and humans... which has nothing to do with the plot. ffs twist it even more STINK.

Did the movie make a point about race? Nope.
Religion? Nope.
Sexual orientation? Nope.

So, let me ask this, the same people who complain about TFA being a carbon copy of ANH are the same yelling "SJW DISNEY WARZ!", does that make ANH an SJW story? :rolleyes2

seriously, get a ****ing grip m8.

Also, you love TFA so that makes you an SJW.


I was about to post this....well said....

There apparently is still a large contingent of folks who like their SW as white and heterosexual male as possible.

If anything the new films show how male dominated Hollywood was in the past.

I mean everyone who thinks its some political agenda.....I ask this....

1. Was Lando just George pandering to the lack of black SW fans?

2. Was Leia's strong character just a Mary Sue?

3. Were all the human villains white for a reason?

Whats really behind this is male fans pissed that their surrogate daddy , Han Solo, was killed by his mentally ill son. And that thier new SW story was not lead by a hero team that consists off people who look like them......

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1. Was Lando just George pandering to the lack of black SW fans?

Yes, that's exactly the reason. I remember the complaints well.

This "SJW" thing has been going on since the 70's, only back them only certain groups cried out loud enough to affect change. Now, with the internet, even tiny groups can whine and affect corporate decisions.
Yes, that's exactly the reason. I remember the complaints well.

This "SJW" thing has been going on since the 70's, only back them only certain groups cried out loud enough to affect change. Now, with the internet, even tiny groups can whine and affect corporate decisions.

Yeah cool, the director had an "agenda" because he wanted diversity in a flick that spans the entire universe filled with different creatures and humans... which has nothing to do with the plot. ffs twist it even more STINK.

Did the movie make a point about race? Nope.
Religion? Nope.
Sexual orientation? Nope.

So, let me ask this, the same people who complain about TFA being a carbon copy of ANH are the same yelling "SJW DISNEY WARZ!", does that make ANH an SJW story? :rolleyes2

seriously, get a ****ing grip m8.

Also, you love TFA so that makes you an SJW.


Wor, your mixing up hippies with SJW's, 2 completely different groups.

No, its really a natural result of the Civil Rights marches and accomplishments. However, like most good things, its gets misused in the wrong hands with over-reach.

Like someone said early, most of these SJWs don't even really care about their "cause" -- its simply making them feel like they're accomplishing some great good. I mean, removing the 'wench' from Pirates of the Caribbean... really? That's a great cause to save womanhood? Like there was no wenches sold at that time? No, they do it because its easy, and they know they can manipulate Disney to do so. Then they can all pat themselves on the back as if they affected real change. It is moronic.

Maybe these SJWs should concentrate their imagined powers on true injustices. There's plenty to go around all over the world. I think the automaton 'wenches' can wait.
No, its really a natural result of the Civil Rights marches and accomplishments. However, like most good things, its gets misused in the wrong hands with over-reach.

Like someone said early, most of these SJWs don't even really care about their "cause" -- its simply making them feel like they're accomplishing some great good. I mean, removing the 'wench' from Pirates of the Caribbean... really? That's a great cause to save womanhood? Like there was no wenches sold at that time? No, they do it because its easy, and they know they can manipulate Disney to do so. Then they can all pat themselves on the back as if they affected real change. It is moronic.

Maybe these SJWs should concentrate their imagined powers on true injustices. There's plenty to go around all over the world. I think the automaton 'wenches' can wait.

Or getting furious about female video characters being sexy...

Meanwhile those sjw keep ignoring the rampant slave trade problem in the usa and the women being abused trying to cross the border from mexico..

But yeah. A disney ride and a video game character with big ****s and a mini skirt, THATS the REAL sexism........... thats the true fight.....
Sjw are retarded
Meanwhile those sjw keep ignoring the rampant slave trade problem in the usa and the women being abused trying to cross the border from mexico..

But yeah. A disney ride and a video game character with big ****s and a mini skirt, THATS the REAL sexism........... thats the true fight.....
Sjw are retarded

This is actually EXACTLY what I had in mind with my comment. The "Disney win" seems pretty trite when compared with real-world issues.

I wish there was SJWs for the SJWs.
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