Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Of course the walkers are twice the size of the largest ones in the old Empire. And no doubt their forces overall have tripled. It all makes complete sense that the destruction of Starkiller base would only increase their military might rather than being a devastating blow because they sunk so much time, money and resources into that one thing (that somehow went completely unnoticed by the Republic). I bet the Super Destroyer is now the default size for the bulk of their fleet too. There'll be an even Supererer Star Destroyer for Snoke himself.

:rotfl yeah exactly- this all makes not one lick of sense and throws away most of what happened in the OT . Just keep the baddies coming- but how is the resistance going to be able to wipe out this VAST New Order in one more film??????????
Wait a minute... that "praetorian guard" is for realz?
And I thought the executioner ducktrooper and golden boy Snoke were bad enough...

Yep, and underneath they're warriors from the planet known as kubbaa:
SW TLJ Praetorian Guard Rumba Costume 001.jpg
As long as they get Luke right and Leia is given a great send off the rest will be just gravy.

But those 2 items need to be perfect dammit!

If Luke gets his Vader moment I will pee in my pants.

Yes literally. Preserving Luke and Leia will cover a GREAT multitude of sins. :lecture

If Luke has his Vader moment then I won't care if Rose and a thousand Porgs end up saving the entire Resistance while Finn and Poe celebrate the arrival of their first child, lol.
As long as they get Luke right and Leia is given a great send off the rest will be just gravy.

But those 2 items need to be perfect dammit!

Agreed, my enjoyment of the movie rests on both of these.

As for Porg being like an owl, I saw the wings out Pop and my first thought was that it looked like an owl ****ed a penguin.
As long as they get Luke right and Leia is given a great send off the rest will be just gravy.

But those 2 items need to be perfect dammit!

If Luke gets his Vader moment I will pee in my pants.

They might hold that off the 3rd installment

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And I totally agree that the way TFA handled the 32 year gap was completely inelegant with regard to the rise of the First Order. I can accept it though and just channel my inner (okay outer, lol) geek and hand wave in any number of explanations myself though. The one dealbreaker I'm struggling with is just how the victory in ROTJ never truly vanquished the Empire. I really wish that the bad guys in this new trilogy were some new invading Force from outside the established galaxy. Then ROTJ's victory would have been complete while the characters (new and old) could have all turned their attention to the new threats.

But *if* Luke and Leia are handled with the proper respect AND the First Order is flat out obliterated (no coming back) then I'll probably be able to just accept the new films as a true continuation of the story. Because otherwise by undoing the victory of ROTJ it negated not only the efforts of Han, Luke, and Leia but also the sacrifices of Jyn's team as well.

I guess it's nice to look at these new films simply as gravy as jye said. If they're great then awesome, fun new movies to include. If they suck then no big, we'll always have RO/OT.
Yes literally. Preserving Luke and Leia will cover a GREAT multitude of sins. :lecture

If Luke has his Vader moment then I won't care if Rose and a thousand Porgs end up saving the entire Resistance while Finn and Poe celebrate the arrival of their first child, lol.

Oh man i'm crying lol

Agreed, my enjoyment of the movie rests on both of these.

As for Porg being like an owl, I saw the wings out Pop and my first thought was that it looked like an owl ****ed a penguin.


Let me know if this has been mentioned already.

Ok here goes.

Is Snoke's gold robe a clue that he is Vader.

Reason I ask is that i'm now correlating "Golden Rod" who Vader created with Snoke's golden robe.

I hope not because that would be seriously ridiculous lol
So based off the Hasbro figures Snoke is about K-2 size? I like that. Makes him bigger than everyone like I was hoping but not too crazy like a kaiju or anything, lol. I'm glad he didn't turn out to be little.
And even though I made fun of Snoke's gold robe I'm SOOO glad he isn't yet another pale faced dude in black. Maybe I'll end up really liking him. Egads whatsa meesa saying?? :panic:
It makes all the sense in the world to release a great trailer right now.

Unless they don't have one and think it would bomb the sales of all the merch that just arrived in stores.
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