I think it's more than just the constant negativity. It's the mindless glee of making fun of something on the one hand, and bitching about whatever it is you don't like ad nauseam. It's the mentality of wanting to be destructive and thinking it's really cool.
Discussions that used to be interesting seem to just devolve into making-fun-of posts and memes. It's the exact equivalent of reading a well thought out review by an experienced critic versus watching a youtuber.
I never came here to "feel better", but it's becoming less and less interesting and fun.
I think there's a difference about expressing your (negative) point of view and moving on, and going on and on and on about it, coming back over and over again to point out how much you think something sucks in a thread dedicated to that exact same thing.
I'm not a big fan of the MCU, I do enjoy the movies as disposable fun, but that's about it. So I just go over there, give my (usually) short review and then maybe do a short back and forth explaining or defending my opinions. And that's it.
Same here. I think the design is terrible. I have no need to say anything more about it, and don't think I will, unless somebody asks me about it.

It is a negative thing to say, but hopefully it leads to a discussion on why it is so, and whether anybody feels we could/should do something about it.
Ah, but you see, I think there are things we should complain about...