Snoke has the potential to become the most interesting character in SW after this movie. He could literally rival Vader.
Luke was a little young for Spacey, not twinky enough. Kid Anakin however . . .
Anyway, my point is, the prequels didn't start the ridiculous trend of superhuman "force jumps" and "force flips", the OT did.
If Rey Rey doesn't do a flip in the next 5 movies. I'll be very, very surprised.
I like the gold look. It reminds me of Ming the Merciless. I’m glad we’re not getting another cliche in a black robe.
True but we can’t compare Luke’s simple one rotation flip/jump to the silliness of PT Yoda vs Dooku and Palpatine vs Mace.
Hell even looking back at Maul’s now famous, and certainly bad ass back in 99, twirl seems like silly overkill.
Luke was a little young for Spacey, not twinky enough. Kid Anakin however . . .
Anyway, my point is, the prequels didn't start the ridiculous trend of superhuman "force jumps" and "force flips", the OT did.
If Rey Rey doesn't do a flip in the next 5 movies. I'll be very, very surprised.
I didn't like how the force jumps and acrobatics looked in the movies, but damn it, I loved playing the Jedi Knight series with powers that make PT Yoda look tame so I think if the powers were handled better with more effort to achieve, they might work.
Snoke has the potential to become the most interesting character in SW after this movie. He could literally rival Vader.
Suckle at the teet of your leader.
She's actually scarier than Snoke and Palpatine combined.
Reminds me of my Aunt Claire that abused me when I was 13.
Someone photoshop Sith eyes onto her.
Snoke dresses like an Ancient Prince. All this bashing of his attire will end after TLJ comes out.