Dagashi Something
Super Freak
Is that real? she looks like a tumblrina
That looks as starwarsy as battlestargalactica.
Guess we're going to see BB units everywhere, in the movie now.
I like her hair. Stands out from those dirtbags behind her and their blue balls droid.
LOL - Can Poe get along with his new boss? It will change the saga forever!
Exciting ****!
Waited to long to get opening day tickets but finally managed to score good seats. At least the theaters around me, opening day Dec 14 double fan event and first showing afternoon and early evening shows are pretty booked. Probably the late shows too.
But I really wanted to see this in 3D in Imax or similar. From what I could tell for these shows only very front row and a few aisle seats are left.
The opening for this I think is gonna be staggering $$$$. Too bad all these fan events are so *cheap* once again the swag (I like swag) is pathetic. I want my metal popcorn bucket d@mmit!!!![]()
There is an alternate dimension Sassafras who is posting in a forum that they’ll just wait for TLJ to hit Netflix![]()
I'm very interested in this movie for Luke's evolution, I'm really eager to see a jaded version of the character and see how Hamill does with playing that angle. It's really a first in all of Star Wars, the Jedi have usually been a source of optimism, we haven't seen one with a pesimistic outlook before.
Great point and I agree although I don’t know if I would categorize Qui-Gon as an all encompassing ray of sunshine kind of guy either that dude had issues lol.
As in some serious unethical behavior.
The Jedi were unethical from the start, taking children from their families and forcing them into lives of self-deprivation and celibacy. Luke was ''too old'' to begin the training - what?
The Jedi were unethical from the start, taking children from their families and forcing them into lives of self-deprivation and celibacy. Luke was ''too old'' to begin the training - what?