Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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I saw ESB in the theater. I was born in 1977. I enjoy the OT, but they are not the final word. This is cheesy pop entertainment. Not high art. People take this way too seriously. I'm not trying to lump all the negativity toward TLJ as a monolith, but when people say that it's the worst movie they've ever seen, it's really hard to take them seriously. I somehow believe that they wanted to hate it before it ever came out.

At some point to be able to compare things you have to introduce data. If you look at reviews lists and total gross dollars of GOAT movies where people paying money (adjusted for inflation) is intersecting with popular ratings that will correlate the original OT IS the final word for all things star wars. En mass especially if you are from this generation of 1977 and a true fan of the franchise, for many people it can be taken as a art form for visual film as the worst thing they have seen comparing it to the original trilogy which according to data is one of the top if not the most popular and highest grossing trilogy franchises.

The critics are going to love anything Disney puts out because they and Warner Bros own practically everything for distribution now. If a critic trashes their product they get blackballed. So of course to save your means to eat and survive and have access to releases, a favorable review will unfortunately be drawn regardless. I do not give any credence to critic reviews because there is always agenda or some influence for ALMOST all reviewers. Its their job, watching movies for most of us is a hobby and there is no ramifications if I say The Last Jedi sucks donkey ****. At the end of the day, I only care about one person's thumb's up or thumb's down.

When I say it is the worst movie ever, I mean it. I am going beyond the content of the movie as well, it is the social ramifications and sensitivity taken into the movie by Disney and the Lucasfilm team that delivered such a big fat turd from what I saw with my own eyes last night. I could see it 100 times and the opinion will not change. Its poorly written, poorly executed in its style of inclusion for all creed, color and sizes. I am for diversity, I am in a mix race marriage but that poor writing and execution of the inclusion "just because we can" cannot be over looked.

Most of all, in my opinion, this movie was done the way it is to make the 1977 generation to go the **** home. As they sincerely meant in the movie, "let the past die" dialog was malicious with intent for Disney's ultra liberal agenda and it was front and center stage in this flick. Its too hard to please the lightning in a bottle crowd and they do not want to have the high expectations to deliver on another Star Wars or Empire Strikes Back movie. So the profitable decision long term is to shove off the aging population and introduce younger, newer ethnic characters and story to the franchise.

Disney spent way to much money on the license, theme parks merch and 10 more movies in the next xxx years for this to not set up to succeed.

Sadly my best days as a fan are gone but I will rest easy knowing I can pop in a blu-ray or de-specialized edition and get my fill any time I want to have my Star Wars fix.

He was on the cusp of also killing Vader in RotJ, before his mechanical hand reminded him of the path that would lead him down.

Yeah but Vader was fighting him - Kylo was sleeping
I had blocked you previously thinking you were just an A-hole (which is probably still true :lol).......but I now see you have taken trolling to Jedi Master levels.


it is easy, you just say the opposite of what you wanna say or the opposite of what it is expected for you to say, add a little irony and sarcasm to the post, a little humor. thats it, instant comedy gold. never ever take any insult seriously, never be rude for real.
anyone that knows the real me will tell you im one of the nicest guys in here. ask my friends they will tell you
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Yeah but Vader was fighting him - Kylo was sleeping

Yes, but your premise (for why it contradicted with his character in TLJ) was "he looked hard to find good in Vader." Yet, he was still on the cusp of killing him, even though he knew Vader wouldn't destroy him because he knew there was good in him. Perhaps he also looked hard to find good in Kylo, and came to the conclusion that there isn't. Just like Obi-Wan came to the conclusion that there wasn't any good left in Vader.

So many amazing things and ideas in the movie hammered by even more awful things. What a disappointment.

He was on the cusp of also killing Vader in RotJ, before his mechanical hand reminded him of the path that would lead him down.

Yeah, that was the finale of his arc. He talked the talk, but actually walked the walk and threw away his weapon. So to see him renege on that catharsis with the plot and dialogue supplied in the new movie it didn’t connect. For me at least. It might have worked better if the past was a little more explored.

Yes, but your premise (for why it contradicted with his character in TLJ) was "he looked hard to find good in Vader." Yet, he was still on the cusp of killing him, even though he knew Vader wouldn't destroy him because he knew there was good in him. Perhaps he also looked hard to find good in Kylo, and came to the conclusion that there isn't.

He was trying not to fight him - Vader kept pushing, brings up his sister - pushed him over the edge and yes he lost it and was brought back when he saw his hand - so when Luke looked into Kylo's mind he saw evil the first thing he thinks is to kill him - that is the opposite approach he did with Vader
it is easy, you just say the opposite of what you wanna say or the opposite of what it is expected for you to say, add a little irony and sarcasm to the post, a little humor. thats it, instant comedy gold. never ever take any insult seriously, never be rude for real.
anyone that knows the real me will tell you im one of the nicest guys in here. ask my friends they will tell you

Same here. Master of Sarcasm :D even worn off on my wife. :p

Lots of TLJ hate and disappointment here...which is everyone's right. As a life long Star Wars fan I am perhaps in the lucky minority that can say that I loved the latest Star Wars movie so whatever Rian Johnson did certainly worked for some of us. Thing is when you read a couple of chapters in a book and the story does not go the way you though it was going you don't get upset you simply realize the book is not for you and you stop reading and move on to something else. Maybe it's time for some folks who thought they that they were going to like Star Wars to accept that it was not meant to be.

It's not that I expected the story to go one way, I don't get why so many defenders are harping on that fact. Not everyone sits and scrutinizes and projects theories. I don't even watch trailers. I go in totally cold just seeing the previous movie.

The problem is when the book you're reading have chapters that make no sense, are pointless, people make stupid decisions, etc.

I've been waiting for someone to tell me how or why the FO didn't contact ANY other of their ships to jump to hyperspace in front of the resistance ship to destroy it. Or send the tie fighters that easily caught up to it before?

Laura Dern's character literally caused many to die because she just didn't tell Poe, a commander/captain, her plan. Seriously? Who did she tell then?

Well he did play with Hans dice or keychain, whatever it was. I don't even remember those from any previous film. Must have been a deleted scene or I just missed it before.

Yeah I guess I could have missed it but I have no memory of those dice either.

He was trying not to fight him - Vader kept pushing, brings up his sister - pushed him over the edge and yes he lost it and was brought back when he saw his hand - so when Luke looked into Kylo's mind he saw evil the first thing he thinks is to kill him - that is the opposite approach he did with Vader

But he didn't kill him (Kylo), correct? So I presume something must have reminded him not to?

Well he did play with Hans dice or keychain, whatever it was. I don't even remember those from any previous film. Must have been a deleted scene or I just missed it before.

You can see them hanging in A New Hope in the Falcon cockpit, definitly will get some more backstory with the Solo movie i think.

I've been waiting for someone to tell me how or why the FO didn't contact ANY other of their ships to jump to hyperspace in front of the resistance ship to destroy it. Or send the tie fighters that easily caught up to it before?

Laura Dern's character literally caused many to die because she just didn't tell Poe, a commander/captain, her plan. Seriously? Who did she tell then?.

I know what you mean. I've been waiting for a long time for someone to tell me how Stormtroopers wearing armor apparently get killed or at least knocked out of a fight by merely getting pelted with a stone.

Sorry, but this is complete BS when people use this argument to say they're not made for adults

I'm not saying they shouldn't be made for adults. I'm just making a comment how I think this franchise is moving forward. At this point they need to be for us adults. We are still around and this fan following almost certainly demands it. Look at how Marvel and DC does when it breaks fan expectation or at what happened when Lucas made the prequels.

Every year there is going to be a new Star Wars movie now. Every year a new generation will start following this fantasy, and every year there will be new characters, stories and merchandise to drive these new fans. We'll never be able to want every generation to watch episode 4, 5 and 6 first like I believe most of us try to push all the time.
So I'm kinda startled by the rage I'm reading on IMDB. IMO this film - for me - had some annoying gaps/mistakes in the story. But to be fair, when I think about it, a lot of my most favorite films have stuff you just hafta overlook. IMO Last Jedi could have done better on that score, but it is what it is.

Far as I can tell reading negative/outraged comments on IMDB, Luke was supposed to be depicted in a certain way and he wasn't. As well as some other stuff like Snoke etc. There's a fair amount that I'd question like Phasma. But IMO there is so much good stuff in this film too. I'd agree with comments that there were complaints about TFA being too much of a repeat. Then there's something that's "different" and it's inexcusable? Personally I hope Rey's background keeps her as a "nobody" with no special parentage at all. Why does she have to have special parents? IMO it's a lot more interesting to think the Force kind of "chose" this "nobody" to eventually become something special.

I cannot believe the hate this movie is getting. The same people who complained about TFA and saying the next will be repackaged Empire are now saying " Last Jedi isn't what I wanted out of a middle chapter of a Star Wars movie" and "Rian Johnson didn't do what I wanted!"

Boo hoo. Jeez....Johnson took the characters and the story in an unexpected and new direction. I personally don't agree with every decision he made, but I also think Anakin's turn to the dark side was poorly executed and I still love ROTS. I hate how the Empire were defeated by dang Ewoks. For everything there is to complain about, there is the handling of Kylo Ren's story. How he viewed his Master/Uncle turning on him and almost murdered him in his sleep. There is the opening space battle and the handling of Poe Dameron's character and his rise to being a leader. There is Rey's revelation (or accepting) that she came from nowhere which is an unexpected and welcome twist for me. This movie was about pushing these characters in ways that challenge and change them.

Now I don't care for Canto Bight, the stupid bacta suit gag, honestly the handling of Finn all around. And I would have liked backstory for Snoke. Maybe just a brief section where he explains how he learned the dark side or explained how he even contacted young Ben Solo to seduce him. I didn't care Luke milking the stupid ant eater creature.

But man I cannot believe the absolute hate from fans crying they didn't do what you wanted them to do. Talk about self entitled and impossible to please. My oldest brother came with me last night and he is the one who got me into SW at such an early age I can't remember not being a fan. He hated it also, but he just said "these movies are no longer made for me. This is Disney wanting to broaden the story so they can keep making SW movies. But I'm out and will just hold onto the originals". He wasn't angry or loudly complaining, he just realized he's almost 50 and new SW movies are going to expand beyond the Skywalker's eventually.

You can see them hanging in A New Hope in the Falcon cockpit, definitly will get some more backstory with the Solo movie i think.

Ugh the Han Solo movie. If they are onboard with Rian’s vision to burn it all down and have Star Wars explore new territory, then why make a movie pandering to fans about a dead character’s past? Mu$t be a reason...

SW fans have been insufferable for almost 19 years now. If this film makes them go away it's the best Star Wars film of all time.

For me it was a B-
The first half of this movie was garbage in my opinion. The "comedy" failed (I really hope they drop this forced humor in the future and stick to the more subtle humor that worked in the original trilogy) and nothing good came from the casino. The second half got much better. I think Kylo and Snoke were more interesting characters this go around versus TFA. But as good as things got, I couldn't get past the hole they dug themselves in. Left the theatre disappointed but not so much hating the movie. So I can understand the 56% on rottentomatoes from the fans.
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