Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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First viewing was today, second will be tomorrow. This is certainly an interesting film. Its very different for a Star Wars movie, and that might not be a bad thing. People complained TFA was just a ANH remake, and that isn't entirely wrong. This certainly wasn't a remake of Empire or Jedi or any of the previous films. There are obviously three scenes that stick out as the must-talk-about moments.

It went in unexpected directions. And that is a good thing. We shouldn't have been able to predict everything, that would have been boring and pointless. Were some of these choices good, no, not all of them. Taking out Snoke was very unexpected to me. I think we all figured he was the new Emperor and would remain the big bad until 9. He was clearly very powerful with the Force and ultimately I'm not sure if they could have defeated him later. Getting the jump on him seemed the only way to take him out. I think that was a good choice as it is making for some interesting developments with Kylo.

Space Leia was another interesting choice. I think this is probably the biggest issue people will have with this film. I have to believe it serves an important purpose. Carrie died nearly a year ago to the day. They had plenty of time to make the bridge explosion her already filmed, on screen death. They could have reshot the remaining scenes with her without her in them. It would have been a powerful death right at the beginning of the film truly emphasizing the Resistance's dire situation. That could have been easily been done. But yet they didn't. They kept this awkward space survival situation in there despite Carrie being actually dead. I have no choice but to believe they have a greater plan for Leia in 9.

The Space Leia scene also seems to underline just how powerful in the Force Leia is. We've seen her do little more with the Force than get super bad feelings when something devastating happens. Not the great of a power. Luke believed Leia was capable of much in RotJ and I think this proves he was right. She somehow shielded herself from the vacuum of space just long enough to survive. It may look a bit silly on screen, but that isn't anything to laugh at when you think about what she actually accomplished. I think they could stretch belief here a bit by saying she was still within the ship's shield and that doesn't quite make it deadly space, but a little more survivable. I think a line or two about that would have really helped sell that scene though. This HAS to pay off in some way in 9 or else this is one of the dumbest decisions they could have made. As sad as it would have been to lose the rest of the precious footage of Carrie as Leia for the final time, it would have served the overall story better if they had just killed her off in the explosion. I don't know what they plan is for Leia in 9 with all of the claims they aren't CGIng her, but they must have a plan now. This was the perfect exit option for them and they didn't take it. I find that VERY interesting.

The Luke force projection was a neat new power. I liked that it gave us one final moment with Luke and Leia together. I teared up knowing it would be their only scene together (because of her death, not his). I have no doubt we see Luke in 9 as a Force Ghost. Rey still needs some guidance. Heck, Luke still did! I loved the Yoda cameo. That was very unexpected, but welcome. They went full Muppet too! So much better than the CGI Yodas we've gotten lately. Rian's true fandom shows by that little, but important decision.

Overall, I did like this film. I'm actually surprised by all of the backlash. I'm not sure if that is because it gave us something new, unexpected and unfamiliar or if people genuinely just didn't like what they saw. It is kind of the Anti-New Hope. A New Devastation, if you will. Its Dark, but not without humor. It frankly is very much like a roller coaster with several ups and downs, not always pleasant. A little scary, but fun. I'm just as curious where the series is going after this as I was after TFA. Maybe even more so. Both sides have experienced huge losses and changes in leadership. How will those play out? How will Kylo and Rey move forward. Will there be a continuation of Jedi and/or Sith? Will things end happy or bittersweet? What's going to happen with Leia? If Phasma can survived a garbage shoot, can she survive a fire hole? Who will Finn choose? What rank is Poe actually? Just so many more questions :lol

Looking back, I bet if the writers could wind the clocks back, they would exchange Leia on the getaway ship with Admiral Holdo on the main Transport.

If it was Leia who made the sacrifice, it would have been a very nice, very heroic, and memorable goodbye for Leia and a very heart-felt way to honor Carrie Fisher for her work in the franchise.
And Zach, I love ya, but let's face it, you were probably high as **** watching this stupid thing. That hypnotic and trippy multiple Rey mirror BS where they're all snapping their fingers alone would garner a 10/10 from yo lit ass. Watch it again without being under the influence, just please, don't pay.

:lol :lol :lol

that’s the secret Di, I’m always high.

Well now this all makes sense..

:lol ;)
How bad will word of mouth defer people from watching this? Same repercussions were felt with other movies...

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During the breath scene with Rey she couldn’t sense him because he “turned himself off” from the force after Kylo. So he wouldn’t have sensed any of it...廊

So pretty much like Hamill himself with regards to the direction they took his character. :monkey3

Is it just me, or did some of the dialogue sound very stilted. The female First Order officer and even Daisy herself were at times delivering lines like actresses from an Asylum production. Like they weren't taking it seriously because the whole thing was beneath their talents. (Not that the actresses in Asylum production have much talent for acting).
Why did they kill off Snoke without explaining anything about him?
I was disappointed about that. I thought they were going to use this episode to show a little more of his background.
There's so many theories floating around about who he is and now we will never know.

They built up Snoke so much. They even had him demonstrate his extreme understanding and knowledge of the Force.
Then they killed him off. Funny thing is, seconds before he died he even said something to the extent of knowing everything Kylo Ren is thinking of. That he can see everything in his mind.
Well, he didn't see that one coming. :lol
This is another reason I think they’ll jump forward another generation with the next one - it will conveniently explain Leia’s absence.

I just don't see them going next generation mid trilogy. A few years sure, but having Leia die off screen would just feel hollow and not a suiting end to the character.

Looking back, I bet if the writers could wind the clocks back, they would exchange Leia on the getaway ship with Admiral Holdo on the main Transport.

If it was Leia who made the sacrifice, it would have been a very nice, very heroic, and memorable goodbye for Leia and a very heart-felt way to honor Carrie Fisher for her work in the franchise.

Yeah, that would have worked too. Kind of odd they even introduced Holdo just to do that with her. She wasn't a necessary character and a quite re-write should have eliminated her entirely from the script. Not sure why they felt the need to include her when simply having Leia out of the bridge at that moment would have removed any need of her. Of course, any of these changes (other than just killing her on the bridge) would only have been necessary because of Carrie's death. If she was alive and well now, there wouldn't be any issues. I think just because we know she's gone and Leia's story didn't end in this film, we're left with this uncertainty with some very plausible options left on the table to explain her absence in 9.
Why did they kill off Snoke without explaining anything about him?
I was disappointed about that. I thought they were going to use this episode to show a little more of his background.
There's so many theories floating around about who he is and now we will never know.

They built up Snoke so much. They even had him demonstrate his extreme understanding and knowledge of the Force.
Then they killed him off. Funny thing is, seconds before he died he even said something to the extent of knowing everything Kylo Ren is thinking of. That he can see everything in his mind.
Well, he didn't see that one coming. :lol

We knew almost immediately the first two Star Wars Stories were going to be Rogue One and Solo. The third stand alone has always been a vague mystery. Yoda? Obi-Wan? Boba Fett? What if Snoke is the third Star Wars Story? I know I'd be interested in finding his backstory, even with him being dead in the current timeline. Just seems odd to have given him all of those scars and damage and never explain them on screen. Putting those in a book or comic or even video game would seem a waste. Why wasn't he just some normal looking bad guy without some evident violent past? Very odd choice if this is the last we see of Snoke.
Would those bombs actually race down to pulverize the star destroyer or would they slow down and drift in outer space shortly after exiting the bomber, where there is zero gravity? There weren’t any boosters or anything on them.

Gripe #2,328

My astrophysics is rusty but shouldn’t they maintain momentum in the direction they’re launched?

On another note the OST is on all the streaming services now. I took a listen and much like in the theatre it's just a remix of old stuff, and the new stuff isn't memorable.

The only track I like is the part halfway through the last Jedi track. The rest is nothing great... It's funny how much John Williams comes alive when he's with a more visionary director like Lucas or Spielberg, but JJ and RJ couldn't get anything much out of him.
That's one of my biggest criticisms with this awful movie, all the suicide. You had the rebels in the beginning killing themselves. The Asian chick's sister with the bombs. Laura Dern's character. Finn trying to kill himself in that canon thing. Luke Skywalker, etc. etc. That was one of my gripes with Rogue One, half the cast willingly let themselves die. What message does this send to children about heroes? I'm all for self sacrifice of some kind but this is sickening.

What rebels killed themselves in the beginning? Also, Rose's sister didn't sacrifice herself. She was in a SOL situation and happened to come through with the release of the bombs. She was never once like "this is for you, sis" or whatever. She did her job and died doing it. Also, judging from the look on Luke's face when he looked at the sunset after his projection stunt, he seemed rather surprised that this was his moment and then accepted it. So saying he willingly sacrificed himself seems like an assumption. So who does that leave? Finn and Laura Dern. Yeah, two makes half the cast I guess.

For me, this is by far the worst Star Wars movie of the 9. I hated all the on the nose meta stuff like Luke saying "this isn't going to go the way you think", Yoda manically burning down the Jedi alter, Kylo Ren basically saying Rey needs to let go and destroy everything that makes Star Wars, Star Wars. It's just depressing. It's like the people that made this hated Luke Skywalker and Star Wars in general. They seemed determined to subvert and ruin it. I had so many "WTF" moments like Luke drinking that ****ing green milk from the alien's *******. He slobbered that **** up, it was disgusting. Leia somehow surviving that explosion takes the cake though. Jesus Christ. I actually thought her "death" was done well. Kylo hesistates to kill his own mother, but the other TIEs finish the job. It was sudden, blunt and jarring, but I accepted it since Fisher is dead. To cut back to her floating body in space, unscathed, and have her literally fly to the hall way door and live was just insulting. I actually couldn't believe what I was seeing. I looked around at the people I was with expecting people to burst out in laughter. Say what you will about Yoda and Palpatine spinning around with a lightsaber, but nothing beats the corniness of Carrie Fisher flying through space. There are so many terrible moments in this movie that I just can't believe it's being rated so highly. I want what everyone else was on.

It's hilarious how much the milk scene bothered so many fans. I simply don't get it. It's a 30 second scene meant as comic relief. You didn't laugh? News flash, not every joke sticks the landing. Stop bringing it up like it's something that had any bearing on the quality of the film. It happened and I moved on. I didn't sit there and dwell on it "oh my god, did he just extract milk from that space walrus?". Good lord.

On to Disney "trying to ruin Star Wars". The fact people think that Luke Skywalker IS Star Wars seems to be the problem here. I love Luke and I love Mark Hamill. Been a Star Wars fan for roughly 30 years. I never once thought that one family, the Skywalkers, are what made Star Wars. The way I saw it was Star War was the universe established in the films and Skywalkers were at the epic center of that particular story. To suggest that Star Wars cannot exist without what the Skywalkers have experienced sounds incredibly boring to me. And I know you haven't explicitly said Star Wars cannot function without the Skywalkers, but to me that is essentially what you're saying when you complain about things that have been established through their experiences. As if only that family can know everything there is to know about the universe and how everything should play out. Saying that Luke and the Jedi may have been wrong about a few things makes them more relatable. Showing that these characters can learn from their past mistakes makes progression feel natural.

But no, it seems fans want predictability more than they let on. You wanted Leia do die during that space battle? Predictably since Fisher was no longer with us? That's what I was thinking as the scene played out. "Damn, this is it. Leia is written off since we tragically lost Carrie." It's what I expected. I expected it and I would have felt the writer's hand quickly trying to remedy the situation brought on by her untimely departure. Not the natural progression of a character's ark, but a studio trying to get ahead of a problem. Suddenly she comes back and they let her final performance be seen by all her fans? That was amazing! Again, nope. Fans can't have it. You don't give a ***** about the work she put in and would rather have not seen more Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia. Yeah, that makes SO MUCH sense.

Luke Skywalker was my favorite Star Wars character and he was reduced to a gag, a lame joke. I can see why Mark Hamill was so upset and glum with the promotion of this ****ing thing. I mean, I knew Disney was going to make him a loser and kill him off, we all did, but actually seeing it kind of makes me sad. It's a running joke that "oh, George Lucas raped and killed my childhood" or whatever, but it really feels like that with Luke. He's despicable. He squanders his life on an island with these weird aliens, doing god knows what all because he was caught with his pants down when he goes to kill his nephew. This is the first time in a long time that I went into a movie with ZERO spoilers only to be disappointing by virtually every outcome and reveal. I knew when they went to that stupid salt planet that Luke was going to come back and die a martyr, you could see it coming. What I didn't know was that he was going to be this hilariously bad force projection/hologram thing. I mean what the ****? How did he even die on that rock? When Kylo and Rey were doing that psychic bull shot, Kylo never died from being shot by that blaster? I might have bought it if Luke came back in his X-Wing and was actually there in person, but the projection **** across the galaxy was too much. The whole movie seemed like really bad fan fiction. SNIKT's hilarious Snoke force vampire/Rey incarnation of Anakin Skywalker theory was actually better and more believable than this ****.

Again, you complain about the predictability of Luke's forthcoming fate yet seemingly yearn for a predictable encounter. Luke coming back in his X-Wing to save the day? You mean the X-Wing that was under water? Hey, why not? Luke is no stranger to X-Wing's rising from a watery grave. And our heroes are in desperate need of a last minute save. "This is where Luke comes in on his X-Wing" said everyone in the theater. Sure enough, he shows up. And instead of giving us another Attack of the Clones lightsaber performance and a fate shared by Obi-Wan, we actually get something we've never seen before. Luke stretching the limits of what a Jedi can achieve with the force. A deception that fooled his opponent and the audience. A scheme that saved all of his friends from assured death. Luke is the hero once more with an unforeseen turn of events. And yet the fans find a way to ****** about it. It's not what they wanted, so it must be bad, right?

This movie was an insult on every level. The stupid little alien creatures on the casino planet. Chewbacca about to eat the porg while the other ones all make sad faces while he's sitting there, the weird crystal fox things. ****, I just remembered those little Beetlejuice/ET creatures walking around on Luke's island in the monk and nun outfits. What the **** did I even watch. Most Star Wars movies have a couple of exotic things in them. Star Wars had the Jawas and Sandpeople. Empire had tauntauns and Ugnaughts. Jedi had the ewoks. Menace has the gungans. Etc etc. This movie? It had about a dozen of these ****ing things in them. I still can't believe all the awful creatures showcased in this mess of a movie. All the jokes felt weird too. I couldn't believe there was actually a "yo momma" joke in a Star Wars movie.

Won't even address this paragraph. It's clear you're just looking for anything to complain about. Damn, man....

It's actually refreshing seeing so much negativity and backlash against this thing. The audience I was with clapped like a bunch of ****ing idiots when it ended with that random kid with the broom, so I definitely felt like a minority until I saw my brothers' and friends faces when we walked out of there. Needless to say there was plenty to discuss from all the bizzare **** in this movie.

Refreshing?! Are you @#$en kidding me? All Star Wars fans do is wallow in negativity and misery. The prequels? Nothing but "Goerge Lucas ruined my childhood" comments. The Force Awakens? "Bwaahhh, I've seen this movie before" and "So unoriginal, write new stuff!". In what reality is it refreshing to see Star Wars fan complain about how they didn't get exactly what they wanted? Cuz I'd actually like to live in that reality. This ****? This **** right here? This has been my reality for nearly two decades.

I have no idea where they go from here and frankly, I don't care. They basically crammed Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi together (right down to ripped off shots like the Falcon going through the salt tunnels to Rey being handcuffed and taken to Palpatine, we, Snoke). The irony that they killed off Han and Luke only to have Leia live wit Fisher dead is just hilarious to me. This franchise is a joke. Even now I have random shots of a First Order iron and ironing board burning in my brain.

You would think that is a good thing. Why would you want to know how a movie plays out before you see it? Anyway, glad you think the franchise is a joke. That should mean I won't have to suffer through these sort of rants the next time around, right? I mean with this much hate why waste any more time on it?

Btw, I know my response may seem like a personal attack on you, but it isn't. I simply needed to match you're level of tonal disdain and cynicism for my own sanity. Cuz I do feel that strongly about all the complaining in general.

I'm still making my way through the movie in English.

Didn't think it would quite as bad as some have written, but it really is hard going.

Star Wars was never intended to be great fiction, but there was a time when the actors took it seriously. Alec Guinness, for instance, said he didn't have a clue what was going on, but he was a consummate professional and took it seriously.

TFA was more sincere than TLJ. I think even the Clone Wars and Rebels cartoons were taken more seriously than TLJ.

Kylo is still Harry Enfield's petulant teen, Kevin.

"Supreme Leaders are so unfair!"

Just got back from seeing it. I loved both TFA and RO but this was a big let down. Every scene or scenario seemed like it was directly taken from Empire or Jedi. You can’t do that **** two movies in a row!

Starts with big battle. Proceeds to plot of heroes being chased in a ship that can’t jump to hyperspace while the other main character is off training to be a Jedi on a remote planet. Then the double cross, and throne room scene thrown in from Jedi for good measure. Revelation of parentage. Really all that was missing was someone losing a hand.

And the only really different storyline was the Finn stuff that seemed completely shoved in to give him something to do and a cast member to appeal to Asian audiences. Also, way to end the middle chapter of your trilogy with zero hanging plot threads that the audience is looking forward to seeing resolved, a la Empire or even The Two Towers.

I don’t really care that Snoke and Phasma got killed. Killing Luke seemed like a waste for Ep. 9 though.

I dunno. Maybe it was just the 300 lb guy next to me chomping away with his mouth open on his refillable bucket of popcorn that soured my experience.

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Did anyone else wish Luke was physically there, at the old Rebel base on planet Crait?

When he stepped out through the hole blasted in the door, stood right in front facing all the walkers and Kylo Ren, I got chills.
The very intense climactic music playing also helped.

Coming away from all those blasts untouched first led me to believe that he was an absolute grandmaster of the Force and that he was about to **** up a bunch of bad guys. I was looking forward to seeing him in action with the lightsaber again. But nope. LOL!

I like what they did there. It was a good idea. But I wish he was really there and demonstrated physically what a bad@ss he is. :)
That's one of my biggest criticisms with this awful movie, all the suicide. You had the rebels in the beginning killing themselves. The Asian chick's sister with the bombs. Laura Dern's character. Finn trying to kill himself in that canon thing. Luke Skywalker, etc. etc. That was one of my gripes with Rogue One, half the cast willingly let themselves die. What message does this send to children about heroes? I'm all for self sacrifice of some kind but this is sickening.

For me, this is by far the worst Star Wars movie of the 9. I hated all the on the nose meta stuff like Luke saying "this isn't going to go the way you think", Yoda manically burning down the Jedi alter, Kylo Ren basically saying Rey needs to let go and destroy everything that makes Star Wars, Star Wars. It's just depressing. It's like the people that made this hated Luke Skywalker and Star Wars in general. They seemed determined to subvert and ruin it. I had so many "WTF" moments like Luke drinking that ****ing green milk from the alien's *******. He slobbered that **** up, it was disgusting. Leia somehow surviving that explosion takes the cake though. Jesus Christ. I actually thought her "death" was done well. Kylo hesistates to kill his own mother, but the other TIEs finish the job. It was sudden, blunt and jarring, but I accepted it since Fisher is dead. To cut back to her floating body in space, unscathed, and have her literally fly to the hall way door and live was just insulting. I actually couldn't believe what I was seeing. I looked around at the people I was with expecting people to burst out in laughter. Say what you will about Yoda and Palpatine spinning around with a lightsaber, but nothing beats the corniness of Carrie Fisher flying through space. There are so many terrible moments in this movie that I just can't believe it's being rated so highly. I want what everyone else was on.

Luke Skywalker was my favorite Star Wars character and he was reduced to a gag, a lame joke. I can see why Mark Hamill was so upset and glum with the promotion of this ****ing thing. I mean, I knew Disney was going to make him a loser and kill him off, we all did, but actually seeing it kind of makes me sad. It's a running joke that "oh, George Lucas raped and killed my childhood" or whatever, but it really feels like that with Luke. He's despicable. He squanders his life on an island with these weird aliens, doing god knows what all because he was caught with his pants down when he goes to kill his nephew. This is the first time in a long time that I went into a movie with ZERO spoilers only to be disappointing by virtually every outcome and reveal. I knew when they went to that stupid salt planet that Luke was going to come back and die a martyr, you could see it coming. What I didn't know was that he was going to be this hilariously bad force projection/hologram thing. I mean what the ****? How did he even die on that rock? When Kylo and Rey were doing that psychic bull shot, Kylo never died from being shot by that blaster? I might have bought it if Luke came back in his X-Wing and was actually there in person, but the projection **** across the galaxy was too much. The whole movie seemed like really bad fan fiction. SNIKT's hilarious Snoke force vampire/Rey incarnation of Anakin Skywalker theory was actually better and more believable than this ****.

This movie was an insult on every level. The stupid little alien creatures on the casino planet. Chewbacca about to eat the porg while the other ones all make sad faces while he's sitting there, the weird crystal fox things. ****, I just remembered those little Beetlejuice/ET creatures walking around on Luke's island in the monk and nun outfits. What the **** did I even watch. Most Star Wars movies have a couple of exotic things in them. Star Wars had the Jawas and Sandpeople. Empire had tauntauns and Ugnaughts. Jedi had the ewoks. Menace has the gungans. Etc etc. This movie? It had about a dozen of these ****ing things in them. I still can't believe all the awful creatures showcased in this mess of a movie. All the jokes felt weird too. I couldn't believe there was actually a "yo momma" joke in a Star Wars movie.

It's actually refreshing seeing so much negativity and backlash against this thing. The audience I was with clapped like a bunch of ****ing idiots when it ended with that random kid with the broom, so I definitely felt like a minority until I saw my brothers' and friends faces when we walked out of there. Needless to say there was plenty to discuss from all the bizzare **** in this movie.

I have no idea where they go from here and frankly, I don't care. They basically crammed Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi together (right down to ripped off shots like the Falcon going through the salt tunnels to Rey being handcuffed and taken to Palpatine, we, Snoke). The irony that they killed off Han and Luke only to have Leia live wit Fisher dead is just hilarious to me. This franchise is a joke. Even now I have random shots of a First Order iron and ironing board burning in my brain.

What rebels killed themselves in the beginning? Also, Rose's sister didn't sacrifice herself. She was in a SOL situation and happened to come through with the release of the bombs. She was never once like "this is for you, sis" or whatever. She did her job and died doing it. Also, judging from the look on Luke's face when he looked at the sunset after his projection stunt, he seemed rather surprised that this was his moment and then accepted it. So saying he willingly sacrificed himself seems like an assumption. So who does that leave? Finn and Laura Dern. Yeah, two makes half the cast I guess.

It's hilarious how much the milk scene bothered so many fans. I simply don't get it. It's a 30 second scene meant as comic relief. You didn't laugh? News flash, not every joke sticks the landing. Stop bringing it up like it's something that had any bearing on the quality of the film. It happened and I moved on. I didn't sit there and dwell on it "oh my god, did he just extract milk from that space walrus?". Good lord.

On to Disney "trying to ruin Star Wars". The fact people think that Luke Skywalker IS Star Wars seems to be the problem here. I love Luke and I love Mark Hamill. Been a Star Wars fan for roughly 30 years. I never once thought that one family, the Skywalkers, are what made Star Wars. The way I saw it was Star War was the universe established in the films and Skywalkers were at the epic center of that particular story. To suggest that Star Wars cannot exist without what the Skywalkers have experienced sounds incredibly boring to me. And I know you haven't explicitly said Star Wars cannot function without the Skywalkers, but to me that is essentially what you're saying when you complain about things that have been established through their experiences. As if only that family can know everything there is to know about the universe and how everything should play out. Saying that Luke and the Jedi may have been wrong about a few things makes them more relatable. Showing that these characters can learn from their past mistakes makes progression feel natural.

But no, it seems fans want predictability more than they let on. You wanted Leia do die during that space battle? Predictably since Fisher was no longer with us? That's what I was thinking as the scene played out. "Damn, this is it. Leia is written off since we tragically lost Carrie." It's what I expected. I expected it and I would have felt the writer's hand quickly trying to remedy the situation brought on by her untimely departure. Not the natural progression of a character's ark, but a studio trying to get ahead of a problem. Suddenly she comes back and they let her final performance be seen by all her fans? That was amazing! Again, nope. Fans can't have it. You don't give a ***** about the work she put in and would rather have not seen more Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia. Yeah, that makes SO MUCH sense.

Again, you complain about the predictability of Luke's forthcoming fate yet seemingly yearn for a predictable encounter. Luke coming back in his X-Wing to save the day? You mean the X-Wing that was under water? Hey, why not? Luke is no stranger to X-Wing's rising from a watery grave. And our heroes are in desperate need of a last minute save. "This is where Luke comes in on his X-Wing" said everyone in the theater. Sure enough, he shows up. And instead of giving us another Attack of the Clones lightsaber performance and a fate shared by Obi-Wan, we actually get something we've never seen before. Luke stretching the limits of what a Jedi can achieve with the force. A deception that fooled his opponent and the audience. A scheme that saved all of his friends from assured death. Luke is the hero once more with an unforeseen turn of events. And yet the fans find a way to ****** about it. It's not what they wanted, so it must be bad, right?

Won't even address this paragraph. It's clear you're just looking for anything to complain about. Damn, man....

Refreshing?! Are you @#$en kidding me? All Star Wars fans do is wallow in negativity and misery. The prequels? Nothing but "Goerge Lucas ruined my childhood" comments. The Force Awakens? "Bwaahhh, I've seen this movie before" and "So unoriginal, write new stuff!". In what reality is it refreshing to see Star Wars fan complain about how they didn't get exactly what they wanted? Cuz I'd actually like to live in that reality. This ****? This **** right here? This has been my reality for nearly two decades.

You would think that is a good thing. Why would you want to know how a movie plays out before you see it? Anyway, glad you think the franchise is a joke. That should mean I won't have to suffer through these sort of rants the next time around, right? I mean with this much hate why waste any more time on it?

Btw, I know my response may seem like a personal attack on you, but it isn't. I simply needed to match you're level of tonal disdain and cynicism for my own sanity. Cuz I do feel that strongly about all the complaining in general.


In trying to pin down the directing style, Mel Brooks came to mind.

Then I remembered he directed Spaceballs.
A few pages back, I mentioned how I couldn't wait to see this movie and had total trust in some of the early reviews... What an idiot.

The Last Jedi now ranks just above Episode II as far as I'm concerned. That's right, I like The Phantom Menace more, and ROTS way more.

I went into this movie convinced it was going to be one of my favorite Star Wars movies ever, honestly.
To me, this movie felt like Rian Johnson didn't know what to do with what was put in place in VII, and therefore took brutal decisions, looking to leave a huge, ugly stamp on the Star Wars franchise by any means available.
Snoke? I don't want to work on his story, let's kill him, screw your hopes for a more fleshed out, powerful Palpatine.
Phasma? That's not going anywhere, let's give her 3 more minutes of screen time and kill her (I didn’t care at all but I know a lot of people wanted more from the character).
Knights of Ren? Meh, look at my cool red guards, that will still be all killed in this movie.
Explain Rey's abilities in TFA? Nah, that's just how the Force works now, she actually never had any training as a child and you need to accept it.
Oh and you have been waiting decades to see Luke ignite his "actual" lightsaber again? I'll just give it to you in a weird flashback where he doesn't fight. Not even his illusion will wield his green lightsaber (which could have been white to make it extra awesome). Plus now he is dead so forget any hope you had.
Oh and btw now Force ghosts can have actual physical interactions with their surroundings, as in make lightning happen and hit Luke on the head with a (ghost) cane.
This was a decent movie, but a really, really weird Star Wars movie with decisions that were way too extreme. I get that they wanted "different", this is too different though, they missed the sweet spot.

Of course, to all this you can add the Rose and Finn stuff and countless other huge missteps.

I can't ****ing believe Luke is now gone after having done so little of what most fans were hoping for, that's really depressing.

This was basically a bad Episode IX. How is JJ going to sort out this mess? I wasn't the biggest fan of TFA but I was full of hope for this, now I wish JJ had done all three and couldn't be less excited about Rian Johnson's new trilogy.
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