I won't be spending a dime on any TLJ stuff. I save money AND shelf space.
Maybe I'll buy more RO stuff I passed on, for solidarity.
That's one of my biggest criticisms with this awful movie, all the suicide. You had the rebels in the beginning killing themselves. The Asian chick's sister with the bombs. Laura Dern's character. Finn trying to kill himself in that canon thing. Luke Skywalker, etc. etc. That was one of my gripes with Rogue One, half the cast willingly let themselves die. What message does this send to children about heroes? I'm all for self sacrifice of some kind but this is sickening.
For me, this is by far the worst Star Wars movie of the 9. I hated all the on the nose meta stuff like Luke saying "this isn't going to go the way you think", Yoda manically burning down the Jedi alter, Kylo Ren basically saying Rey needs to let go and destroy everything that makes Star Wars, Star Wars. It's just depressing. It's like the people that made this hated Luke Skywalker and Star Wars in general. They seemed determined to subvert and ruin it. I had so many "WTF" moments like Luke drinking that ****ing green milk from the alien's *******. He slobbered that **** up, it was disgusting. Leia somehow surviving that explosion takes the cake though. Jesus Christ. I actually thought her "death" was done well. Kylo hesistates to kill his own mother, but the other TIEs finish the job. It was sudden, blunt and jarring, but I accepted it since Fisher is dead. To cut back to her floating body in space, unscathed, and have her literally fly to the hall way door and live was just insulting. I actually couldn't believe what I was seeing. I looked around at the people I was with expecting people to burst out in laughter. Say what you will about Yoda and Palpatine spinning around with a lightsaber, but nothing beats the corniness of Carrie Fisher flying through space. There are so many terrible moments in this movie that I just can't believe it's being rated so highly online.
Luke Skywalker was my favorite Star Wars character and he was reduced to a joke. I can see why Mark Hamill was so upset and glum with the promotion of this ****ing thing. I mean, I knew Disney was going to make him a loser and kill him off, we all did, but actually seeing t kind of makes me sad. It's a running joke that "oh, George Lucas raped and killed my childhood" or whatever, but it really feels like that with Luke. He's despicable. He squanders his life on an island with these weird aliens, doing god knows what all because he was caught with his pants down when he goes to kill his nephew. This is the first time in a long time that I went into a movie with ZERO spoilers only to be disappointing Byrd with virtually every outcome. I knew when they went to that stupid salt planet that Luke was going to come back and die a martyr, you could see it coming. What I didn't know was that he was going to be this hilariously bad force projection/hologram thing. I mean what the ****? How did he even die on that rock? When Kylo and Rey were doing that psychic bull shot, Kylo never died from being shot by that blaster? I might have bought it if Luke came back in his X-Wing and was actually there in person, but the projection **** across the galaxy was too much. The whole movie seemed like really bad fan fiction. SNIKT's hilarious Snoke force vampire/Rey incarnation of Anakin Skywalker theory was actually better and more believable than this ****.
his movie was an insult on every level. The stupid little alien creatures on the casino planet. Chewbacca about to eat the porg while the other ones all make sad faces while he's sitting there, the weirfdcrystal fox things. Most Star Wars movies have a couple of exotic things in them. Star Wars had the Jawas and Sandpeople. Empire had tauntauns and Ugnaughts. Jedi had the ewoks. Menace has the gungans. Etc etc. This movie? It had about a dozen of these ****ing things in them. I still can't believe all the awful creatures showcased in this mess of a movie. All the jokes felt weird too. I couldn't believe there was actually a "yo momma" joke in a Star Wars movie.
It's actually refreshing seeing so much negativity and backlash against this thing. The audience I was with clapped like a bunch of ****ing idiots when it ended with that random kid with the broom, so I definitely felt like a minority until I saw my brothers' and friends faces when we walked out of there. Needless to say there was plenty to discuss from all the bizzare **** in this movie.
I have no idea where they go from here and frankly, I don't care. They basically crammed Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi together (right down to ripped off shots like the Falcon going through the salt tunnels to Rey being handcuffed and taken to Palpatine, we, Snoke). The irony that they killed off Han and Luke only to have Leia live wit Fisher dead is just hilarious to me. This franchise is a joke
And Zach, I love ya, but let's face it, you were probably high as **** watching this stupid thing. That hypnotic and triply multiple Rey mirror BS alone would garner a 10/10 from yo lit ass. Watch it again without being under the influence, just please, don't pay.
The Last Jedi: 7/10
Boring 1st half, great 2nd half
Wow you are right. Whats up with that???
I agree about the killing of Leia.. Great moment was ruined. Would have been a powerful moment.
I did not hate Luke.. Much of that had to do with Hamill's performance which I enjoyed.
Someone posted this on RT... Unfortunately this new trilogy has ruined much of the "happy ending" of the OT.. But if your are going to have the original characters I guess it had to go that way.. Anyways here is what he said.
[FONT="]Luke Skywalker, the heart of the SW universe, and all that we know him to be, is suddenly expendable and debased. The new Luke no longer believes in the force. He can be easily bested by a novice. To make matters worse, it is implied that he betrayed is nephew, Ben Solo, causing the storm (of the present trilogy) to follow. [/FONT]
[FONT="]This means that all the prophecy fulfillment (SW I-VI), that Luke would bring balance to the force, as he did, is negated. Luke's greatest trait, his belief in Good has been abolished. Fundamentally, SW VIII invalidates all of the previous Star Wars' values and achievements by debasing the fundamentals of who Luke Skywalker is. Simply put, we all wasted our time and should not have bothered to spend the precious 4 decades watching Star Wars and sharing the lore and collections we all treasure. It all means diddly now. Luke ended up a bitter, confused, cantankerous old bloke showing early signs of dementia. - And Yoda, evidently unimpressed that his teachings led Luke to save the Galaxy years before, popped up for a few seconds to second the notion that it all meant diddly and has to burn.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Luke's three final accomplishments were to argue with a teenage girl as if he was still the same teenager we all met on long long ago on Tatooine, to lose belief in all that he earned through the Star Wars epochs we all value, and to die inexplicably as noted above.[/FONT]
This makes TFA look like a masterpiece. What the **** I thought we were supposed to trust Kathleen Kennedy!!!
Absolutely. It was drug out so badly that it makes the parts that are unnecessary worse because they become excruciating. Made me hate Finn more than I already did. They can go on a tangent about animal cruelty and how these rich dudes suck for a half hour but we cannot get any explanation (even just a line or two) of Snokes place in all this.
But then Luke and Leia wouldn't have shared any screentime in this movie.
Yeah. That right there would be chief among the reasons I don't consider these sequels canon. Related to it would be the whole Rebels VS Empire 2.0. Wow, so all the drama and battles of the OT was for absolutely nothing because it's the exact same setup 30 years later.
There should have been a way to do sequels that didn't invalidate everything that went before.
Wow you are right. Whats up with that???
I agree about the killing of Leia.. Great moment was ruined. Would have been a powerful moment.
I did not hate Luke.. Much of that had to do with Hamill's performance which I enjoyed.
Someone posted this on RT... Unfortunately this new trilogy has ruined much of the "happy ending" of the OT.. But if your are going to have the original characters I guess it had to go that way.. Anyways here is what he said.
Luke Skywalker, the heart of the SW universe, and all that we know him to be, is suddenly expendable and debased. The new Luke no longer believes in the force. He can be easily bested by a novice. To make matters worse, it is implied that he betrayed is nephew, Ben Solo, causing the storm (of the present trilogy) to follow.
This means that all the prophecy fulfillment (SW I-VI), that Luke would bring balance to the force, as he did, is negated. Luke's greatest trait, his belief in Good has been abolished. Fundamentally, SW VIII invalidates all of the previous Star Wars' values and achievements by debasing the fundamentals of who Luke Skywalker is. Simply put, we all wasted our time and should not have bothered to spend the precious 4 decades watching Star Wars and sharing the lore and collections we all treasure. It all means diddly now. Luke ended up a bitter, confused, cantankerous old bloke showing early signs of dementia. - And Yoda, evidently unimpressed that his teachings led Luke to save the Galaxy years before, popped up for a few seconds to second the notion that it all meant diddly and has to burn.
Luke's three final accomplishments were to argue with a teenage girl as if he was still the same teenager we all met on long long ago on Tatooine, to lose belief in all that he earned through the Star Wars epochs we all value, and to die inexplicably as noted above.
I missed the Yo momma joke.. Glad I did.
Yeah.. My friend and I were sure that I would come to this board and see nothing but praise.. Was shocked to see that so many had many of the same issues.
Yeah.. I am not excited for the next film.. No reason to be really. This film took no chances with its new main characters. So it is very easy to see where this series is going.