Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Poor Leia.. She has the real tragic story here. She has lost everyone.

Yep. It's depressing if you actually count these movies in the canon. To go from the joyful ending of ROTJ to where they're at now. And she's the one who's dead in real life. As Difabio said what a ****ed up irony.
And Zach, I love ya, but let's face it, you were probably high as **** watching this stupid thing. That hypnotic and trippy multiple Rey mirror BS where they're all snapping their fingers alone would garner a 10/10 from yo lit ass. Watch it again without being under the influence, just please, don't pay.

:lol :lol :lol

that’s the secret Di, I’m always high.
Coupla things I don’t get:

* This is only Rey, Kylo and Finn’s second film, why be in such a hurry to introduce yet another new generation? Feels like an afterthought.
* If they had to do it, why not in the third part of the trilogy?

Johnson must have a cunning plan to have gotten KK on board, but the backlash might be unnerving them.
Coupla things I don’t get:

* This is only Rey, Kylo and Finn’s second film, why be in such a hurry to introduce yet another new generation? Feels like an afterthought.
* If they had to do it, why not in the third part of the trilogy?

Johnson must have a cunning plan to have gotten KK on board, but the backlash might be unnerving them.

I think people are putting too much stock in the kid ending, that’s there for the soul purpose to drive the theme home. It’s more of a classic disney ending than a set up. Don’t put stock into it.
There are literally things I love about this film but then the stiff that big me make me debate whether I can let it be or not. This movie is really giving me a hard time on where to put it and how to feel I'll definitely need to see it again. I felt like I had a good time but was disappointed by what we were given at points in the film and I'm usually not hard on films.

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K2SO fits in great with OT. Jyn also. And Krennic would.

I'm still not sold on Chirrut and Baze for my shelf. But TLJ is pushing me.


I can't find it in myself to accept Chirrut or Baze. Chirrut does recall a monk character from the early comics, but that pair feel a bit too contrived as an Asian Han and Chewie.

Haven't got any of the new troopers. I don't like the Deathtroopers at all; steered clear of the Stormtroopers as they're not quite OT; not really fussed about the other trooper designs.

But Jyn fits the universe perfectly, as does Krennic. And K-2SO has armour inspired by Snowtroopers and Veers.

HT Cassian and Krennic would be welcome.
I think people are putting too much stock in the kid ending, that’s there for the soul purpose to drive the theme home. It’s more of a classic disney ending than a set up. Don’t put stock into it.

Perhaps, it’s just that everything else wraps up so well that it seems like an ending - there’s no cliffhanger as you’d expect in a second part.

Just watched the movie and I like it. Kinda bummed that Luke felt nerfed and Snoke wasn't really developed as a character. Seems like E9 will be the Knights of Ren going up against Rey's students.
First viewing was today, second will be tomorrow. This is certainly an interesting film. Its very different for a Star Wars movie, and that might not be a bad thing. People complained TFA was just a ANH remake, and that isn't entirely wrong. This certainly wasn't a remake of Empire or Jedi or any of the previous films. There are obviously three scenes that stick out as the must-talk-about moments.

It went in unexpected directions. And that is a good thing. We shouldn't have been able to predict everything, that would have been boring and pointless. Were some of these choices good, no, not all of them. Taking out Snoke was very unexpected to me. I think we all figured he was the new Emperor and would remain the big bad until 9. He was clearly very powerful with the Force and ultimately I'm not sure if they could have defeated him later. Getting the jump on him seemed the only way to take him out. I think that was a good choice as it is making for some interesting developments with Kylo.

Space Leia was another interesting choice. I think this is probably the biggest issue people will have with this film. I have to believe it serves an important purpose. Carrie died nearly a year ago to the day. They had plenty of time to make the bridge explosion her already filmed, on screen death. They could have reshot the remaining scenes with her without her in them. It would have been a powerful death right at the beginning of the film truly emphasizing the Resistance's dire situation. That could have been easily been done. But yet they didn't. They kept this awkward space survival situation in there despite Carrie being actually dead. I have no choice but to believe they have a greater plan for Leia in 9.

The Space Leia scene also seems to underline just how powerful in the Force Leia is. We've seen her do little more with the Force than get super bad feelings when something devastating happens. Not the great of a power. Luke believed Leia was capable of much in RotJ and I think this proves he was right. She somehow shielded herself from the vacuum of space just long enough to survive. It may look a bit silly on screen, but that isn't anything to laugh at when you think about what she actually accomplished. I think they could stretch belief here a bit by saying she was still within the ship's shield and that doesn't quite make it deadly space, but a little more survivable. I think a line or two about that would have really helped sell that scene though. This HAS to pay off in some way in 9 or else this is one of the dumbest decisions they could have made. As sad as it would have been to lose the rest of the precious footage of Carrie as Leia for the final time, it would have served the overall story better if they had just killed her off in the explosion. I don't know what they plan is for Leia in 9 with all of the claims they aren't CGIng her, but they must have a plan now. This was the perfect exit option for them and they didn't take it. I find that VERY interesting.

The Luke force projection was a neat new power. I liked that it gave us one final moment with Luke and Leia together. I teared up knowing it would be their only scene together (because of her death, not his). I have no doubt we see Luke in 9 as a Force Ghost. Rey still needs some guidance. Heck, Luke still did! I loved the Yoda cameo. That was very unexpected, but welcome. They went full Muppet too! So much better than the CGI Yodas we've gotten lately. Rian's true fandom shows by that little, but important decision.

Overall, I did like this film. I'm actually surprised by all of the backlash. I'm not sure if that is because it gave us something new, unexpected and unfamiliar or if people genuinely just didn't like what they saw. It is kind of the Anti-New Hope. A New Devastation, if you will. Its Dark, but not without humor. It frankly is very much like a roller coaster with several ups and downs, not always pleasant. A little scary, but fun. I'm just as curious where the series is going after this as I was after TFA. Maybe even more so. Both sides have experienced huge losses and changes in leadership. How will those play out? How will Kylo and Rey move forward. Will there be a continuation of Jedi and/or Sith? Will things end happy or bittersweet? What's going to happen with Leia? If Phasma can survived a garbage shoot, can she survive a fire hole? Who will Finn choose? What rank is Poe actually? Just so many more questions :lol
I think people are putting too much stock in the kid ending, that’s there for the soul purpose to drive the theme home. It’s more of a classic disney ending than a set up. Don’t put stock into it.

I just took that as showing the Force is still found in random people throughout the galaxy. The Jedi didn't procreate and they relied on recruiting random, gifted children to full their ranks. With Rey being a nobody, the ending just emphasized that. A stable boy could be the next Rey. Doesn't mean he'll get his own film, but it shows a new Jedi (or Sith) order could be formed with the Force sensitive children out there. This felt like a real Disney type ending with a message that anyone can be special. I don't think they were hinting anything more about this particular kid at all.

I think I've found an appropriate category for the ST: parody.

The momentous point of Rey handing the sabre to Luke at the end of TFA is resolved Robot Chicken style.

And Luke didn't sense the death of Han through his sister? In ESB he left his training early because he sensed his friends were in danger.
There are literally things I love about this film but then the stiff that big me make me debate whether I can let it be or not. This movie is really giving me a hard time on where to put it and how to feel I'll definitely need to see it again. I felt like I had a good time but was disappointed by what we were given at points in the film and I'm usually not hard on films.

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My thoughts as well. I returned from my second viewing today. Some parts I felt were done extremely well, some I initially had issue with has lessened somewhat then other parts wtf.

I’ll never like the Finn / Rose Arc or the space Leia scene not matter how many viewings I attend.
Would those bombs actually race down to pulverize the star destroyer or would they slow down and drift in outer space shortly after exiting the bomber, where there is zero gravity? There weren’t any boosters or anything on them.

Gripe #2,328

I think I've found an appropriate category for the ST: parody.

The momentous point of Rey handing the sabre to Luke at the end of TFA is resolved Robot Chicken style.

And Luke didn't sense the death of Han through his sister? In ESB he left his training early because he sensed his friends were in danger.

During the breath scene with Rey she couldn’t sense him because he “turned himself off” from the force after Kylo. So he wouldn’t have sensed any of it...🤨
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