Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Even though I dislike the idea of Rey coming from nothing and just being a person who has tapped into her force potential, I will concede the notion, as I partially agree with wanting to now move away from OT story and focus on something/someone new. However, to not explain how someone as old and as powerful as Snoke is ridiculous. He would have certainly been alive when Vader and the Emperor were around. Was he just laying low for the right moment when both were destroyed? I mean I don't care what it is, just give us something.
I haven't liked their Marvel movies since 2012. Which is why it really pains me that they are basically trying to turn SW into an MCU movie. Maybe its all part of their plan to have the SW characters join the MCU.

Guardians of the Galaxy travels to a galaxy far far away.. Star Lord meets Lord Vader. Star lord plays mix tape over Executor's bridge intercom. 2 Billion box office.
I think your problem is that you don't realize her looks have absolutely nothing to do with her character. Why do you care so much about how attractive she is made to look?

There are plenty of women that could care less about dressing up to appeal to you.

Pretty character appropriate since (I think) she was an Engineer.

Rose looked like she belong there, unlike the purple hair chick dressed like she was going to a party.
I live in Vancouver, where almost half the population is Asian, mainly of Chinese decent. Visit here, and you'll feel like you've left North America. Of the Asian people I've talked to, haven't heard a single positive thing about The Last Jedi from anyone. I mean, it's just a really bad movie. I can't imagine asking someone, "Yeah, but aren't you glad that you're being represented?" :lol I swear, SJW's are some of the whitest people on the planet...

"Call me a nerd, call me a geek, but I was 10 when the original Star Wars came out and have been a fan ever since. Having said that, the new films most especially The Last Jedi are complete garbage and serve only as propaganda of the Left and especially the feminists. Men are portrayed as dumb, overly emotional, dangerously impulsive, full of mental baggage they can't get over, oppressive for the sake of being oppressive, pure killers for the sake of killing, exploitative, greedy and in general worthy of extermination.

Woman, on the other hand are portrayed as sensible, caring, brave, highly intelligent, strong leaders, born with amazing powers that don't require any training or work to perfect (especially from a man), and burdened and victimized by men's stupidity and thirst for power and blood. The word "Resistance" was said at least a dozen times. One of the brave female heroes had purple (Hillary's favorite color) hair. I'm just scratching the surface of the crap they put in the movie.

On top of that, the movie itself was poorly written, boring, and full on nonsensical plot lines. It checked off all the Feminist boxes but very few "good story telling" boxes. The only reason to see this film is as research on how far the sick "Progressive movement" will go to try and brainwash; especially the youth.

Although it was highly rated by critics, fan response has been very split and thankfully a large number of viewers have been able to see through this propaganda and have responded."

"Call me a nerd, call me a geek, but I was 10 when the original Star Wars came out and have been a fan ever since. Having said that, the new films most especially The Last Jedi are complete garbage and serve only as propaganda of the Left and especially the feminists. Men are portrayed as dumb, overly emotional, dangerously impulsive, full of mental baggage they can't get over, oppressive for the sake of being oppressive, pure killers for the sake of killing, exploitative, greedy and in general worthy of extermination.

Woman, on the other hand are portrayed as sensible, caring, brave, highly intelligent, strong leaders, born with amazing powers that don't require any training or work to perfect (especially from a man), and burdened and victimized by men's stupidity and thirst for power and blood. The word "Resistance" was said at least a dozen times. One of the brave female heroes had purple (Hillary's favorite color) hair. I'm just scratching the surface of the crap they put in the movie.

On top of that, the movie itself was poorly written, boring, and full on nonsensical plot lines. It checked off all the Feminist boxes but very few "good story telling" boxes. The only reason to see this film is as research on how far the sick "Progressive movement" will go to try and brainwash; especially the youth.

Although it was highly rated by critics, fan response has been very split and thankfully a large number of viewers have been able to see through this propaganda and have responded."

yup... and the smoking gun lies here
For me, Luke's cinematic journey ends the moment he throws away his FATHER'S LIGHTSABER like an empty can of beer.

Everything leading up until that point was building up to the legend of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, a legend Johnson goes on to take a massive diarrhea crap on.

Correction, he throws away his FATHER'S LIGHTSABER like an empty can of slug milk.

Where are the milk tie-ins for this movie? No Got Milk add with Luke?
Re: The Last Jedi

Well just saw the movie, and won't post spoilers, but Disney just utterly ******ing ruined the franchise. what an abomination of a movie. Definitely won't be buying anything statue wise that comes out of this film :(

could not agree more!!!! I am going to see again with my 6 year old son tomorrow and am dreading having to sit through it again.

My executioner trooper is ready for pickup..what a joke they turned out to be. And I really like TFA and Rogue 1.
And so it begins... It's the Russian hackers... Of course! Always those pesky Russians.. There can't be any other possible explanation!

Look at the first line of the article


In Soviet Russia, Force uses you!
I think the problems with this movie can be solved very easily when you understand one fundamental thing...

Rian Johnson hated The Force Awakens

It is that simple, it is that easy.

This movie is a direct response from someone that really hated the previous movie and wanted to fix what he hated and wanted to put his own spin on it.

Every single issue of this movie can be answered with this when u look at the movie from this point of view

He simply hated the plot points and questions raised from the force awakens and decided to make his own "semi reboot" ignoring to include or answer any of the questions from the previous movie.

Sure, the same characters are there, sure, the same basic " plot" is there

But i seriously seriously seriously doubt that JJ added what he added on the force awakens like making you wonder who rey's parents were or who snoke was or why add a map to find luke....
He added those things because he probably wanted to build from that.

Jhonson came and basically erased the entire chalkboard and created his own movie.

This might as well be a soft rebooot

This is literally the same thing DC and Warner did with justice league and Joss Whedon.

Joss Whhedon and Rian Johnson created the same thing.
Putin again? Wow. He must be most powerful leader on the Earth since the time of Roman Emperors. He can do anything!
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