I'm just joking in case it isn't obvious.
You know , I think sometimes we all forget how bad Jar Jar really was and pretend to like episodes I and II because Lucas made them and not the hacks at Disney.....
You know , I think sometimes we all forget how bad Jar Jar really was and pretend to like episodes I and II because Lucas made them and not the hacks at Disney.....
Jesus. This thread moves fast.![]()
Well boys and girls, my time now is up..gotta go...it was real..."Ill be back"
"May the ******* Be With You"
I think I have been pretty good at stating what I did like..
Rey and Kylo's interaction
Snoke's death
Mark Hamill's performance
Opening star battle
The Overall look of the film
But the issues are too many to ignore. I have posted enough videos by reviews that seem to sum up those issues that most have. Red Letter Media and Jeremy Johns. Both still liked the film but do a great job of pointing out the major issues. I posted the videos below again if you are interested it all.
What I find amazing is that after this film ended I was sure I would be one of just a few who was really let down by this film just like i was with TFA.. But then I come here and everyone that did not like it pretty much disliked it for many of the same reasons.. Then I watch some of the videos like the one below and they say the same thing.. I am not saying that that makes me right.. Not at all.. But I was just sort of shocked that I was not alone in my issues.
Now I am not fully on board with the "They have ruined Luke" crowed.. My issues tend to be that nothing had really changed from the beginning to the end for our characters.. For all the "surprises" the film attempted we were left basically were we left off.. Every plot point not focused around Kylo went nowhere.. We spend an hour on the island with Rey and Luke and nothing comes of it. R2 had more of an effect on him then Rey did. Finn and Poe's stories again go nowhere.. At least nowhere of real importance as it pertains to this film.. Other then finding out how Kylo takes over the FO and what happens to Luke, this film feels like you could ignore this second chapter and go right from the end of TFA to episode 9.
Some will say.. But Poe learned to become a leader.. Well I thought he seemed like a good leader in the first film.. They had to create a "fly boy screw up" plot to make it seem like he leaned something. Ignore this film and we would find that From TFA to Episode 9 nothing is really different. Same goes for Finn and Rey.. Not to compare it to Empire but think of where that film takes its characters and where they left off at the end.. You cant watch ANH skip over Empire and start with Jedi.. There was real growth and consequences in that film.
Like I said this film exist to show us how Kylo comes to power and what happens to luke after they find him Not that either event really changes the course of the story.. The New Order is still after the Rebels and The Rebels are still fighting the New Order and nothing has really changed for our new main characters since the first film.
But Rey knows that her parents were nobodies. And to that I say so what.. What does it do to the over arching story Line?? She now needs therapy? Like I have said before.. Compare this to Finding out Vader is your father.
Now I know people might say that it was doing something different.. She was not a skywalker.. do we really need to see that storyline again?? I agree with this.. But give us some Drama.. Something to make me care about the next film.. If this film wanted to take a chance it should have went all the way and teamed Kylo with Rey either good or bad... NOW THAT is something we have never seen before and THAT is something that would make me want to see the next film..
Agreed. It would have had a better impact if Ackbar or Leia had made the sacrifice rather than Holdo.
First the movie "burnt it all down", then the Jedi texts showed up unscathed... does that mean it didn't "burn it all down" and Johnson was just messing with us the whole time?
hmmmmm, early sign of things to come? 42% off vs TFA
First SW film in 40 years I'm going to claim to have seen only once at the cinema.
That keeps getting posted but:
1. Once again many kids are still in school this week compared to Christmas Break starting a week earlier the past two years
2. Middle SW movies historically earn the least amount of profits
3. And there was just no way that TLJ was every going to get anywhere near $2 billion at the box office. Nothing will ever top the anticipation of seeing Han, Luke, and Leia on the big screen *for the first time* since ROTJ.
Having said that maybe enough people will just flat out hate it enough to stop going to the theater. Doubtful though since even I saw AOTC three times.![]()
I would have to disagree because Hamill’s anti Trump/Bannon rants are legendary then add in Kennedy with woman power Tshirt and the war is on!
Kennedy started a war by dragging social agendas and politics into SW where it had no business being in especially if you’re not going to perfectly integrate it in a respectful seamless manner that made sense to the overall plot.
You have to be pretty naive to think politics hasn’t now been dragged into this big franchise in a very big manner.
The RT score literally matches the election results!
Kennedy has SW blood on her hands for starting this war against a mostly all white male franchise.
RO/TFA was just the tip of the sword.
Then again Lucas had an anti Bush message in the PT, no?
Sorry to be cynical but its got me this far in life lol
Believe what you want - but for me, it's a boring, illogical, embarrassment that ****s all over what I enjoy about SW.
I sat through the prequels multiple times and didn't like them - so I've well and truly learnt my lesson.
Believe what you want - but for me, it's a boring, illogical, embarrassment that ****s all over what I enjoy about SW.
I sat through the prequels multiple times and didn't like them - so I've well and truly learnt my lesson.
Agree but early analyst predictions were $1.7-$1.8B. They've been revised down to $1.5B, but this Christmas weekend will be the telltale sign IMO. If this doesn't push $1.5B it will be a disappointment for Disney. $1.5B is still a HUGE box office run but it signals a shift in trend. let's see how it plays out, will be interesting nonetheless
LOL! isn't it funny how folks who loved TLJ just can't allow the rest of us who thought it was dreadful to freely share our opinion without "fixing it"? they come across as being personally offended when we say this movie was a hot pile of garbage.