Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Kennedy is Jack Nicholson Joker...she looked at each beloved character page by page and said crap, crap crap...there was a page that said only two words "The Force"..she said crap,..Sith Crap, Jedi Crap, Purple...ooh I like this...Broomsticks...ahhh...Vag and *******...yes!....LOL
Sorry but I don’t agree.

One can be a super wealthy successfull capitalist without the need to profit of others misery.

Nothing wrong with being a good person and a super wealthy capitalist at the same time they can easily both coexist.

It’s also ok to build a healthy deterrent to war to protect ones assets and citizens.

But to actually keep a war alive by creating additional conflict or practice in illegal behavior using war as a cover is not good regardless of what ideology one follows.

absolutely...but take his money, lifestyle etc away or even threaten it...see how the claws come out
God I miss Palpatine,Vader, Maul, Dooku, Grievious,etc etc.....they were so misunderstood...LOL...I got more respect for the banking clan then Kylo and Ron Weasley's bro...I'm cheerleading for the villains from now on....Leia is now either a Kryptonian or a Lantern...
It's a fair question and I'll agree that line is perhaps a bit blurry depending on your point of view. From what I recall the casino scene with Rose and Finn was critical of/spoofing the wealthy a la capitalism.

Either way it's just as hypocritical of Disney to criticize war profiteering, this is after all Star WARS :)

I appreciate your fair response. :duff

The movie definately made it a point to show the war machinery aspect of it all which was a first for a movie with Star Wars in its titles so I commend them for that even if it had to be done in a quick superficial manner. Kids you know. lol.

I also don’t think your criticism of spoofing being made against Disney is fair either because I don’t want movies to be limited on what they can or can not discuss because they’re making money off a movie with War in the title.

Conflict is conflict and if Star Wars is an allegory to our own struggles with religion, politics and war then so be it let them tell their story.

You can’t expect Disney not to profit because then we wouldn’t get the next one made then the next one so on and so forth.
Sorry but I don’t agree.

One can be a super wealthy successfull capitalist without the need to profit of others misery.

Nothing wrong with being a good person and a super wealthy capitalist at the same time they can easily both coexist.

It’s also ok to build a healthy deterrent to war to protect ones assets and citizens.

But to actually keep a war alive by creating additional conflict or practice in illegal behavior using war as a cover is not good regardless of what ideology one follows.

this discussion is at the core of the problem with the heavy handed politics in this movie. Disney and KK please listen up, we DON'T NEED this stuff in our Star Wars movies. Focus on making a good movie please :)

BTW now down to 53% on RT
Keep politics Out of Star wars...tiny amounts ok... that's all...Blatant nerve they had yes...the most beloved franchise of all...lets kill it and take over...maybe they wont notice...
You show me your claws i’ll show you mine.

Then we can sit back and enjoy DiFabio’s claws.

Get that Michael Jackson popcorn gif ready :lol

Damnit that photo brings back my childhood...woulda taken my daisy BB gun...Pling!...I woulda eaten it too no I wonder if Chewbacca is gonna wear a dress in the next film
Spazz and Kuat Kuat need to collaborate to rewrite episode 8. I have a degree in Culinary and after reading your two postings I feel like an idiot, but then I surprisingly absorb your knowledge like Luke’s ***** milk.

Do you think Disney would have the balls to have JJ redo ep 8 ? It would be the first time in history and create a ton of hype.

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this discussion is at the core of the problem with the heavy handed politics in this movie. Disney and KK please listen up, we DON'T NEED this stuff in our Star Wars movies. Focus on making a good movie please :)

BTW now down to 53% on RT

For the record I have ZERO problem with Disney introducing war profiteering as a background villain machinery into the narrative it’s fresh nuanced and makes perfect good sense in a story about war. It can’t just be pew pew pew all the time you know.

It just has to be done good and I think TLJ handled it well.

I DID NOT see it as wealthy people are ALL evil.
As soon as luke threw the saber away It struck me hard....never thought that was gonna happen...chuckled yes...but man seconds later I got coulda turned off the film right then and there and figure bad news for TLJ
As soon as luke threw the saber away It struck me hard....never thought that was gonna happen...chuckled yes...but man seconds later I got coulda turned off the film right then and there and figure bad news for TLJ

I explained it to my wife, what if 30 years later some stranger walked up to You with your class ring you lost. Even though it’s been 30 years and high school means nothing to you, there still would be some disbelief and intrigue on how it was acquired, you wouldn’t just discard it with out emotions.

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I gotta write a book..."Disney and Kennedy assassination of Star Wars"...sell millions of copies....Difabio doing the forward...Riddick the Epiloque
I would have been fine had Luke looked at the saber then just dropped it. That would have fit more with his narrative of wanting to walk away from the Jedi. But RJ had to have him throw it over his shoulder for a laugh by the audience.
I explained it to my wife, what if 30 years later some stranger walked up to You with your class ring you lost. Even though it’s been 30 years and high school means nothing to you, there still would be some disbelief and intrigue on how it was acquired, you wouldn’t just discard it with out emotions.

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Nah you’re missing the entire metaphor.

Besides the saber was still there at his feet to be picked up and addressed.

You’re just missing the message.

Now some see it as some kind of a negative meta SW fandom franchise message that they don’t like and that I can respect.
I would have been fine had Luke looked at the saber then just dropped it. That would have fit more with his narrative of wanting to walk away from the Jedi. But RJ had to have him throw it over his shoulder for a laugh by the audience.

Yes. Some proper facial expressions (just like he had at the end of TFA), then his hand drops to his side, and you see the hilt slowly slip out of it and fall to the ground.

Rian Johnson doesn't understand nuance, that's a recurring theme throughout the movie.
I’ve got news for you Adolfo.

I liked TLJ. :lol

I own that **** baby.

Come at me bro. :lol

but that is at least never denied the Disney/Kennedy Agenda....others say I don't care,Its Star Wars, Some don't see it,or refuse to even acknowledge it , some thought it was hidden........I don't like blatant pushers pushing their wares on me...Kennedy was a pusher...Kennedy is the ultimate weapon...not just planets or systems, but the Star Wars Universe...god I never knew the force could die or be cut up into billions and billions of pieces and thrown around like fairy dust so that brooms could fly....
Sorry but you’re missing the whole point of that saber throw.

Sure hate it for the humor or meta SW message but it also served as a establishing current Luke and Jedi religion and conflict metaphors.
I would have been fine had Luke looked at the saber then just dropped it. That would have fit more with his narrative of wanting to walk away from the Jedi. But RJ had to have him throw it over his shoulder for a laugh by the audience.

I just found the scene insulting, particularly disrespectful toward the plot of TFA. The whole point of TFA was ultimately to find Jedi Master Luke and Kennedy/Johnson urinated on it with a dumb joke.
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