Something that just occurred to me is that TLJ adequately resolves my biggest sticking point with TFA's (and thus the entire ST's) premise and that is the notion that the First Order is just a continuation of the Empire which nullifies the total victory of ROTJ.
But DJ's speech about the weapon suppliers changes all that. Without any evidence to the contrary I just assumed that Stormtrooper armor, TIE Fighters, Star Destroyers, etc., were exclusively "Empire" weapons all engineered and manufactured in-house. But in one fell swoop DJ's speech to Rose and Finn changed all that. Snoke isn't an heir to the Emperor, he's simply a sinister and powerful being who either originated in the galaxy or came from outside the galaxy and bought tech from the same third party dealers.
So a Stormtrooper blaster becomes more akin to a Warsaw Pact AK-47 utilized by otherwise completely unrelated regimes and even ethnicities. Brilliant. So the Rebels successfully vanquished the Empire but some of the surviving troops with a grudge against the Republic joined Snoke (who was creating a new army with or without them) and voila suddenly "ashes of the Empire" syncs with Maz' speech about the Sith, Empire, and FO all being different which is then further punctuated in plain English by DJ.
Which then opens the door to pondering fun things like whether it or not it might have been those nearly bankrupt Star Destroyer designers who might have *actually attracted Snoke* by going outside the galaxy to peddle their destructive wares...