You're half-right. She's mistakenly using the word brown to represent "non-white". Where I live, "Brown" is an acceptable term used to describe people of "middle-eastern" or "east-Indian" descent. Black, Asian and Aboriginal people wouldn't self-identify as "Brown". It'd be weird, if you called them that.
Second, the context with which she uses the term is racist, because she's advocating for rule by those identified as "diverse". This is exactly the problem with the SJW movement. It's nonsense. She honestly wants to live in a world ruled by non-white, non-male, non-heterosexual people. That's idiotic from the perspective of every single person throughout the ideological spectrum, left-to-right, who doesn't subscribe to identity politics. No one, outside of sociology and gender studies departments would take this sort of nonsense seriously. It's gibberish. However, it's gibberish that has now seeped its way into popular culture, shoe-horned into popular intellectual property via a corporation that has historically catered to different branches of moralism to make money.
This thread is spilling into subjects what this part of the forum is NOT about...
The future of this thread is likely heavy cleansing by a MOD.
I like healthy debate, but some of this should likely be moved to the 'Sandbox'
Your completely putting words in her mouth. Were does she ever say she wants to live in a world ruled by non-white, non-male, non-heterosexual people?
Personally i think its been a healthy debate. We haven't been at each other throats or name calling. I think its important to listen to each others sides. We are talking about the movie and this section is about the movie. The movies cover a lot of subjects of politics, culture, race, war etc etc...
If your not into talking about it, thats fine, but I don't think anyone is out of line.....yet.![]()
I can agree with much of what you say morphosis, however, once the topics of race, politics enter a debate the discussion will likely go off the rails. It happens most of the time on this forum.
*reads the last 30 pages*
So this is the power of Disney Star Wars. Wow
As a ****ing white male myself, is it considered racist and/or sexist to not like The Last Jedi or the last couple of Disney Star Wars movies in general??
The reason I don't like the current protagonist isn't because she's a girl. I don't like her because she's written poorly and the chick that plays her can't act. People that defend the way she is written don't appear to be very intelligent. Of course she's a bland, one dimensional character with a grating posh accent. She is the epitome of a Mary Sue. Anyone that disagrees is in denial of a valid criticism. Forget all the comparisons between Luke and Rey, and even everything she does in TFA, just look at TLJ.
Look no further than the ending where she's is the gunner in the Millennium Falcon in the film's climax. Not only is she barking orders to Chewie, she shoots better than Luke, Han and Finn combined. Remember in Star Wars how Han and Luke in particular are struggling to shoot down 4 TIE Fighters? It takes them forever to take those things down and they're breaking in a sweat after it's all said in done. ****ing Luke was happy to take down ONE. Remember in the Force Awakens when Finn is fumbling at the controls? He's lucky to even fire the turret canons, let alone destroy a single TIE.
TLJ? She destroys dozens of them with ease while quipping "I like this" or whatever cutesy BS she says, I can't remember.
Like StarPuffs said, she's wish fulfillment: the character. Maybe she's something special to immature little girls, morphosis or weirdos like Guyver who is in it for the dolls (no offense Guyver, you know I love ya), but to the rest of us, she's boring. In two years or the TFA and TLJ story timeline, a mere week, she does and achieves more than any character in this franchise. She is an expert marksman with a blaster, she is an expert duelist and a better pilot than Poe. Her force abilities can be summed up as she had a vision, felt something, it awakened, but now she is a pro. She is stronger than Luke, Han, Obi-Wan and Anakin and owns Luke's lightsaber, the Millennium Falcon, R2-D2 and Chewbacca like they're god damn trophies or something. She sucks.
Luke was a whiny little weak ass *****, but atleast he grew throughout the trilogy as a character. The second installment usually has several defining moments for a character. In Empire, Luke ****s the bed in everything he does. He's brash, arrogant, he's an idiot. What happens to Luke in the second movie? He gets ****ed up in the first 2 mins, he can't recognize a Jedi Master right in front of his face, he fails his training, sees himself in the person he hates the most, fails to rescue his friends, gets bruised, battered and beaten, and oh yeah, he gets his ****ing hand lobbed off. To top it off, he finds out the father he never met, the man he idolized and was inspired to be like is really his arch nemesis and the wise elders he trusted lied to and manipulated him. This character is so defeated that he jumps off the gantry to certain death just to achieve some small victory.
Then we have our girl Rey Rey. She doesn't do a ****ing thing except inspire people. She bosses Luke around and tells him how it is, inspiring him to finally kill himself. Chewie is like her ****ing dog. Finn is infatuated with her. Yoda thinks she's the ****. Leia has taken a liken to her since day one despite being a cold hearted ***** to everyone she came into contact with since the series began. Poe fan girls over her and wants to bang her. Kylo Ren? She's going to ****ing "redeem" and inspire him onto the light side 100%. She's the hero, the Disney princess, through and through. In a movie about failure, all she does is win. She didn't even lose a limb, an eye ball, bladder control. Nadda. Oh boo hoo, you're lineage is **** and your parents were druggies who abandoned you. Welcome to the club kid, take a number
She's boring, she's mayonnaise, I don't like her. When this is all said and done, she'll be forgotten, just like this movie.
Luke was a whiny little weak ass *****, but atleast he grew throughout the trilogy as a character. The second installment usually has several defining moments for a character. In Empire, Luke ****s the bed in everything he does. He's brash, arrogant, he's an idiot. What happens to Luke in the second movie? He gets ****ed up in the first 2 mins, he can't recognize a Jedi Master right in front of his face, he fails his training, sees himself in the person he hates the most, fails to rescue his friends, gets bruised, battered and beaten, and oh yeah, he gets his ****ing hand lobbed off. To top it off, he finds out the father he never met, the man he idolized and was inspired to be like is really his arch nemesis and the wise elders he trusted lied to and manipulated him. This character is so defeated that he jumps off the gantry to certain death just to achieve some small victory.
Then we have our girl Rey Rey. She doesn't do a ****ing thing except inspire people. She bosses Luke around and tells him how it is, inspiring him to finally kill himself. Chewie is like her ****ing dog. Finn is infatuated with her. Yoda thinks she's the ****. Leia has taken a liken to her since day one despite being a cold hearted ***** to everyone she came into contact with since the series began. Poe fan girls over her and wants to bang her. Kylo Ren? She's going to ****ing "redeem" and inspire him onto the light side 100%. She's the hero, the Disney princess, through and through. In a movie about failure, all she does is win. She didn't even lose a limb, an eye ball, bladder control. Nadda. Oh boo hoo, you're lineage is **** and your parents were druggies who abandoned you. Welcome to the club kid, take a number
*reads the last 30 pages*
So this is the power of Disney Star Wars. Wow
As a ****ing white male myself, is it considered racist and/or sexist to not like The Last Jedi or the last couple of Disney Star Wars movies in general??
The reason I don't like the current protagonist isn't because she's a girl. I don't like her because she's written poorly and the chick that plays her can't act. People that defend the way she is written don't appear to be very intelligent. Of course she's a bland, one dimensional character with a grating posh accent. She is the epitome of a Mary Sue. Anyone that disagrees is in denial of a valid criticism. Forget all the comparisons between Luke and Rey, and even everything she does in TFA, just look at TLJ.
Look no further than the ending where she's is the gunner in the Millennium Falcon in the film's climax. Not only is she barking orders to Chewie, she shoots better than Luke, Han and Finn combined. Remember in Star Wars how Han and Luke in particular are struggling to shoot down 4 TIE Fighters? It takes them forever to take those things down and they're breaking in a sweat after it's all said in done. ****ing Luke was happy to take down ONE. Remember in the Force Awakens when Finn is fumbling at the controls? He's lucky to even fire the turret canons, let alone destroy a single TIE.
TLJ? She destroys dozens of them with ease while quipping "I like this" or whatever cutesy BS she says, I can't remember.
Like StarPuffs said, she's wish fulfillment: the character. Maybe she's something special to immature little girls, morphosis or weirdos like Guyver who is in it for the dolls (no offense Guyver, you know I love ya), but to the rest of us, she's boring. In two years or the TFA and TLJ story timeline, a mere week, she does and achieves more than any character in this franchise. She is an expert marksman with a blaster, she is an expert duelist and a better pilot than Poe. Her force abilities can be summed up as she had a vision, felt something, it awakened, but now she is a pro. She is stronger than Luke, Han, Obi-Wan and Anakin and owns Luke's lightsaber, the Millennium Falcon, R2-D2 and Chewbacca like they're god damn trophies or something. She sucks.
Luke was a whiny little weak ass *****, but atleast he grew throughout the trilogy as a character. The second installment usually has several defining moments for a character. In Empire, Luke ****s the bed in everything he does. He's brash, arrogant, he's an idiot. What happens to Luke in the second movie? He gets ****ed up in the first 2 mins, he can't recognize a Jedi Master right in front of his face, he fails his training, sees himself in the person he hates the most, fails to rescue his friends, gets bruised, battered and beaten, and oh yeah, he gets his ****ing hand lobbed off. To top it off, he finds out the father he never met, the man he idolized and was inspired to be like is really his arch nemesis and the wise elders he trusted lied to and manipulated him. This character is so defeated that he jumps off the gantry to certain death just to achieve some small victory.
Then we have our girl Rey Rey. She doesn't do a ****ing thing except inspire people. She bosses Luke around and tells him how it is, inspiring him to finally kill himself. Chewie is like her ****ing dog. Finn is infatuated with her. Yoda thinks she's the ****. Leia has taken a liken to her since day one despite being a cold hearted ***** to everyone she came into contact with since the series began. Poe fan girls over her and wants to bang her. Kylo Ren? She's going to ****ing "redeem" and inspire him onto the light side 100%. She's the hero, the Disney princess, through and through. In a movie about failure, all she does is win. She didn't even lose a limb, an eye ball, bladder control. Nadda. Oh boo hoo, you're lineage is **** and your parents were druggies who abandoned you. Welcome to the club kid, take a number
She's boring, she's mayonnaise, I don't like her. When this is all said and done, she'll be forgotten, just like this movie.
D I F A B I O destroys all non believers!!!
*reads the last 30 pages*
So this is the power of Disney Star Wars. Wow
As a ****ing white male myself, is it considered racist and/or sexist to not like The Last Jedi or the last couple of Disney Star Wars movies in general??
The reason I don't like the current protagonist isn't because she's a girl. I don't like her because she's written poorly and the chick that plays her can't act. People that defend the way she is written don't appear to be very intelligent. Of course she's a bland, one dimensional character with a grating posh accent. She is the epitome of a Mary Sue. Anyone that disagrees is in denial of a valid criticism. Forget all the comparisons between Luke and Rey, and even everything she does in TFA, just look at TLJ.
Look no further than the ending where she's is the gunner in the Millennium Falcon in the film's climax. Not only is she barking orders to Chewie, she shoots better than Luke, Han and Finn combined. Remember in Star Wars how Han and Luke in particular are struggling to shoot down 4 TIE Fighters? It takes them forever to take those things down and they're breaking in a sweat after it's all said in done. ****ing Luke was happy to take down ONE. Remember in the Force Awakens when Finn is fumbling at the controls? He's lucky to even fire the turret canons, let alone destroy a single TIE.
TLJ? She destroys dozens of them with ease while quipping "I like this" or whatever cutesy BS she says, I can't remember.
Like StarPuffs said, she's wish fulfillment: the character. Maybe she's something special to immature little girls, morphosis or weirdos like Guyver who is in it for the dolls (no offense Guyver, you know I love ya), but to the rest of us, she's boring. In two years or the TFA and TLJ story timeline, a mere week, she does and achieves more than any character in this franchise. She is an expert marksman with a blaster, she is an expert duelist and a better pilot than Poe. Her force abilities can be summed up as she had a vision, felt something, it awakened, but now she is a pro. She is stronger than Luke, Han, Obi-Wan and Anakin and owns Luke's lightsaber, the Millennium Falcon, R2-D2 and Chewbacca like they're god damn trophies or something. She sucks.
Luke was a whiny little weak ass *****, but atleast he grew throughout the trilogy as a character. The second installment usually has several defining moments for a character. In Empire, Luke ****s the bed in everything he does. He's brash, arrogant, he's an idiot. What happens to Luke in the second movie? He gets ****ed up in the first 2 mins, he can't recognize a Jedi Master right in front of his face, he fails his training, sees himself in the person he hates the most, fails to rescue his friends, gets bruised, battered and beaten, and oh yeah, he gets his ****ing hand lobbed off. To top it off, he finds out the father he never met, the man he idolized and was inspired to be like is really his arch nemesis and the wise elders he trusted lied to and manipulated him. This character is so defeated that he jumps off the gantry to certain death just to achieve some small victory.
Then we have our girl Rey Rey. She doesn't do a ****ing thing except inspire people. She bosses Luke around and tells him how it is, inspiring him to finally kill himself. Chewie is like her ****ing dog. Finn is infatuated with her. Yoda thinks she's the ****. Leia has taken a liken to her since day one despite being a cold hearted ***** to everyone she came into contact with since the series began. Poe fan girls over her and wants to bang her. Kylo Ren? She's going to ****ing "redeem" and inspire him onto the light side 100%. She's the hero, the Disney princess, through and through. In a movie about failure, all she does is win. She didn't even lose a limb, an eye ball, bladder control. Nadda. Oh boo hoo, you're lineage is **** and your parents were druggies who abandoned you. Welcome to the club kid, take a number
She's boring, she's mayonnaise, I don't like her. When this is all said and done, she'll be forgotten, just like this movie.
Well it's ****ing true. Although i did enjoy EP7, thought RO was boring though. (EP8 makes EP7 look like a masterpiece) I give JJ credit, he set all the pieces in place to have EP8 be a great ****ing movie. And Disney&CO. gave us ****!
The idea to have (initially) three directors for the trilogy was really dumb, especially without a set-in-stone outline.
Can't say I'm the biggest JJ fan but damn, I wish he had done Episode VIII now...
Wow, who hijacked Riddicks account?!
Someone calm almost reasonable and verging on positive is using his screen name!
Are the mods looking into this?
Your completely putting words in her mouth. Were does she ever say she wants to live in a world ruled by non-white, non-male, non-heterosexual people?
Her article is celebrating the diversity of SW and pointing out that the age of the white men ruling needs to come to an end. Does that mean "all men" need to go? Of course not. She clearly loves Finn and Poe, and admired Luke for his sacrifice to save the Rebellion. In her last sentence she asks for them to take on non-heterosexual characters, but she isn't saying the world should be ruled by non-white, non-male, non-heterosexual people. She's just asking for the representation.
Actual quotes from said article:
"The Last Jedi has a clear message: The nearly all-white, overwhemingly male, privilege-based way of thinking that celebrates war culture and toxic masculinity and that created the First Order has to go, both in the larger world and as it’s internalized in our hearts and minds, and in its place will be something entirely new, created by diverse young people who are walking away from war culture, walking away from toxic masculinity, walking away from systems of privilege."
"No matter how much power they accrue, no matter how many angry young white men they convince we are the enemy, the light still stands. The future is brown, and female, and brilliant, and fierce, does not give even one single **** about the way things used to be."
"Please attack cisheteronormativity in your next film."
"From a certain point of view..."