The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
Snoke was actually pretty kewl. I loved his hubris and laugh.
I liked when his torso hit the floor and his little arm was resting on the chair.

Snoke was actually pretty kewl. I loved his hubris and laugh.
I think that Snoke only hacked into their link and manipulated what they saw, he didn't create itSnoke was a badass, no way do I think he is dead, he could be possessing Kylo, remember He said he created the force link with Rey, and after chop city, Rey was still linked to Kylo.
Pathetic mock-villain. Cardboard cut-out. At best: a character set-up to be the butt of a joke.
He was really cool IMO..he freakin had power and was just as menacing as Palapatine without using lightning or a saber in my book. I did not expect him too be so powerful.,really thought he was just a poser ..that I liked in the film
Rey is the Chosen One but Snoke controlled her like a rag doll..Snoke was no joke people
Yeah Krennic was weak.
His CGI and expressions were pretty good too, not gonna lie.
When he was throwing Hux, Kylo and Rey like rag dolls, making fun of them, and knowing every single action and thought they had. I was pretty intrigued. I was like, "oh, I guess he isn't the slipper wearing, effeminate weirdo I thought he would be from the Hasbro toy". He had a distinct personality to him. The only thing I didn't like was how they reused the Palpatine/Dark side music for him.
Then a couple minutes into it he got sliced in half before he really got to do anything.
Then those shots of his body parts strewn all over the place with his tongue hanging out pathetically.
Good stuff.
your opinion--I will give you that...TLJ... a movie full of many a promise... that never was.
A Jedi's training... that never was. Rey received the same 'on air' training from Luke that Luke received from Yoda
A Jedi's backstory... that never was. did you even watch TFA? the whole flashback sequence
A villain's plot (Snoke) ... that never was. again...did you even watch TFA?...Snoke poking in from time to time via hologram
A mutiny... that never was. the mutiny was deftly put down by Leia and Vice Admiral
A needed expect.... that never was. ????[/B]
A hero's death (Finn) ... that never was. Laura Dern's Character died a hero's death
The redeeming return of Phasma.... that never was. about as redeeming as Boba Fett....
A great Jedi lightsaber fight... that never was. it was an epic mind battle between Rey and Kylo after killing Snoke
Luke's presence in the climax... that never was. wrong wrong wrong...his hologram projection scene was epic!
A point to the story... that never was.
Someone post the gif of his reaction when he gets stabbed in the side. That was my face during the Space Leia sequence.
your opinion--I will give you that...
Someone post the gif of his reaction when he gets stabbed in the side. That was my face during the Space Leia sequence.