Broke and happy
Wut kicking my butt if not for DiFabio, JAWS and Wor-Gar all you punks would be in trouble lol
The amusement of the jokes are getting stale.....when does the next blockbuster come out?
I meant as in people having 2 years of built up expectations and theories to who is Snoke, who are Rey's parents, how awesome Luke will be, will Kylo turn to the light, etc. Expecting to like a movie and not liking it is disappointing but it is what it is, but people saying it killed the series and they'll never see another SW movie again because it didn't play out the way they personally wanted it to is a little dramatic.
And it being a bad movie is your opinion. I thought it was good, as well as many others. Not perfect, but good, which is pretty common for SW movies I'd say.
Impressive. Every word in this post was wrong.
I actually agree on alot of this. Rey is super powerful too quick, there were completely unnecessary characters (holdo, rose, dj), the whole broom kid thing was dumb, casino planet sucked, Leia's superman scene was a real wtf moment, and plot holes.It’s not about it not matching people’s head stories.. it’s about it disrespecting all the laws of this universe that have been established.
Such as Rey being more capable than Luke in a period of 10 days than he ever was in 3 years by being a lightsaber master and lifting boulders. To throw all the Jedi training out the door so a random boy can force pull a broom when it was established it takes a lot of training to get to that point.
It was about the hyper speed crash making everything that came before look stupid, because if that was an option... why didn’t anyone do it before?
It was about poorly plotted out characters, not to mention some being completely unbelievable. Who thinks someone like holdo could hold that military position? Everyone else looked sweaty and exhausted and she was all primped up, ain’t nobody got time for that. And who can honestly say they like the casino planet storyline? I haven’t even heard that from anyone who loved the film. So a third of the runtime wasted right there.
As for Luke’s character, not even hamill is happy with him. If that shatner reddit thing is true even he found it disrespectful. It’s about Rian Johnson just doing what he felt like and not paying any attention to what came before. If he went in a new direction but respected the past it would be fine. But it was his pet project, his mark is all over it, even in small things like having the red logo and even retroactively changing a previous directors decision in kylo’s scar because he knows better.
As for snoke, it only matters who he is because of how powerful they made him. His powers weren’t even remotely shown in tfa so Rian had a blank slate. There could have been a throwaway line about him being a dark side user that picked up the pieces after ep 6. But by making him more powerful than the previous big bad you automatically set yourself up to answer the question who was he and where was he during the events of the previous movies? It’s just bad writing otherwise. Palps got away with it because he was an already established emperor. The prequels had to live within that context and they did, whatever one may think of them. But TLJ either doesn’t or doesn’t bother to explain anything. Yes J.J.s setup was not the greatest but Rian didn’t just disrespect tfa but the whole franchise.
If one liked it however, that’s fine, everyone has an opinion, but don’t misunderstand why people didn’t like it by making it all about what they saw not lining up with their theories. And as for me, I can’t speak everyone, but I see the direction Star Wars is going and I don’t like it. TLJ was more marvel at its core than Star Wars, right down to the style of humour. I’m not excited at all for solo or ep 9.
So to paraphrase our dear old leia: ‘help usobi-wan kenobi, you’re our only hope’
Seriously... I hope they do good on Kenobi.
Great post...a lot of seemingly nice and well adjusted folk seem to enjoy this film...you were probably too busy spending time with your family to sink the last 8 years of your life into a Cheeto dust covered thousand page fan fiction script so naturally you were not disappointed into blind rage when the actual film did not match your "masterpiece."![]()
We are closing in on 1000 pages of discussion if the rate of posting keeps up....
90% repetitive posts by those who hate this film....and continue to beat to death their points about why they hate it (and why you should too)....supported by other people online who post videos about why they hate it (and you should too).
I guess we should not be surprised in an age where all that matters to most people is subscribers, up-votes and "likes" that dictate to the masses what is good and bad. Does everything have to be agreed upon? Or are we slipping into a place where the opposition must be crushed over and over again until they conform?
The amusement of the jokes are getting stale.....when does the next blockbuster come out?
The post quoted is perfect example of the personal attacks that many of the film's supporters resort to in order to avoid discussing the actual criticisms.
the haters focus on attacking the movie
and usually the lovers and the defenders of this movie end up being the nastiest prople and the most rude and insulting.
just look at jye lol
And here we have spindrift. An interesting, peculiar fellow. His life on this board is a sad story, for the DCEU so broke him and he turned to and found solace in the gaping, hairy, rancid maw of Disney Star Wars.
Pity him but do not follow, for there is no escape.
There's personal attacks on both sides, it's the internet. I've seen people who hated the movie call people who liked it "****ing morons" and to "never speak to me again". As well as tons of personal attacks on rian, daisy, adam, mark, etc. Keyboard warriors everywhere.