Maybe you guys are hangin in the wrong circles....
My gamer group has several very beautiful women in it...
One married another member , and routinely goes to cons, dresses in R2 dress, quotes the films all the time.
The other is a huge LOTR fan as well as SW. She constantly yells “Stay on target!” When we drive anywhere together...
My wife, was explaining an intricate detail about the trilogy to her sister just the other night.
Again, Maybe you guys are hanging out with the wrong female crowd...
Personally , I would rather spend time with an intelligent sci fi fan then a women who spends all her time dealing with look looks and clothing...
Took many years to learn that however.
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yeah there can be hundreds sure
it still doesnt mean they are not a minority in the fandom. Even if there are tens of thousands of female fans, thats small compared to the millions of male nerds
The biggest problem is that these women that you are talking about were probably fans of the originals and became fans because of their love of the originals, they didnt need forced diversity and pandering, they didn't need SJW purple hair commanders talking down to men and making them out to be stupid. These star wars female fans didnt need a Mary sue.
So yeah, thats the problem. thats the problem with this movie, with Kathleen Kennedy... thats the problem.
it is the same exact thing with Amy Pascal and Ghostbusters. There were hundreds of FEMALE ghostbusters fans that Loved the MALE dominated ghostbusters team of the original movie. they loved all the guys and they loved their humor and they loved their friendship.
Then sony and Amy Pascal comes around and they think that what women need are ****** jokes and pandering and movies where men are ridiculous moronic failures or that are very stupid and the women are the smart ones.
Female fans of Ghostbusters didnt need this, because they were fans of a movie that did not pander to them...... the original movie.... they loved these guys and they loved their chemistry. Paul Feig comes and makes a movie where the men are either a holes or they are basically cowards or retarded. The villain of the movie is a nerdy awkward lonely man child that hates people and wants revenge on society.
why does Amy pascal and Khatleen Kennedy think this is what fans (including the female fans) is what they need? they didnt need pandering and SJW 30 years ago to love these movies, why cant they undrestand that