Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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I think the easiest way to finish the leia story is to have her be on a starship that gets blown up. She diss without actually seeing it.
They must have contingency story plans as insurance on these huge projects especially when dealing with older actors who are as unhealthy as Carrie was.

In the age of cgi that should be the contingency plan, sign here, it says that if you die while making this movie we will cgi you for the rest of your missing scenes.

By them changing the story it just stinks of them making this **** up as it goes.....wait I forgot it's SW, disregard carry on as planned Kennedy.
They said that Leia's role was huge in IX, thats the scary part, now they have to rethink everyone to see what will really happen. This sucks guys, i hate getting old and we will probably still talk about this in 2020 when we finally have the 9 4k editions of the films, and can binge watch all the storylines until disney decides to start another trilogy around 2022. I feel bad for the original fans who grew up with the OT, most of them won't see the end.

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Jese that was awkward to watch, it was like listening to a Howard Chan interview.

Why do they do these BS junkets just to pass non-information? -- where they can't really say... anything.

Save that **** for the 3 weeks leading up to release. The hype machine gets too far extended, especially for films that are now only a year apart. We just had RO 4 months ago.

This "what's happening now in the Star Wars universe" is going to get old and very trite if they maintain this type of fever yet can't really expand on anything beyond "the characters are really going to grow in this episode". That should go without saying.
Sometimes i legitimately forget hes in the movie

I'm not even sure what his role is in the story? Technically, if you remove Finn completely from TFA, and you replace all his scenes with Poe, by having him escape the empire and then meeting Rey, the story would be exactly the same. He's kind of useless. Or maybe Poe was useless...

I'm sure they'll give him something to do when he wakes up in TLJ, but Rey is basically Luke, Poe and BB8 are like Han and Chewie, old Luke is Yoda, and I'm not sure who Finn is in the story?
Why do they do these BS junkets just to pass non-information? -- where they can't really say... anything.

Save that **** for the 3 weeks leading up to release. The hype machine gets too far extended, especially for films that are now only a year apart. We just had RO 4 months ago.

This "what's happening now in the Star Wars universe" is going to get old and very trite if they maintain this type of fever yet can't really expand on anything beyond "the characters are really going to grow in this episode". That should go without saying.

But Hamill does touch upon his feelings towards 7 again this time saying he's happy to have been wrong about it but then starts on 8 lol

We all know how Hamill is by now.
I'm not even sure what his role is in the story? Technically, if you remove Finn completely from TFA, and you replace all his scenes with Poe, by having him escape the empire and then meeting Rey, the story would be exactly the same. He's kind of useless. Or maybe Poe was useless...

I'm sure they'll give him something to do when he wake up in TLJ, but Rey is basically Luke, Poe and BB8 are like Han and Chewie, old Luke is Yoda, and I'm not sure who Finn is in the story?

Hes the modern :

What's a shame is he should have been the breakout star of this movie just as much as Rey. I could see him as a world-weary anti-hero trying to atone and move on from his troubled past with the Empire. Would have played nicely off of Rey's slightly more naïve idealism. Instead they chose to portray him as a slightly goofy everyman who constantly wanders around like he is lost and lets others demasculate him.
Instead they chose to portray him as a slightly goofy everyman who constantly wanders around like he is lost and lets others demasculate him.

Pretty much.

He's likable in the sense that he isn't annoying and seems like a nice guy, but does anyone really want to be him? Nah...he doesn't even have the cool facter that Han had in the OT.

If I had to rank TFA characters in terms of popularity or recognition.

1. BB8

2. Kylo

3. Rey

4. Finn

5. Poe

6. Snoke
You know since seeing ROTJ way back when....I always had ghis feeling.....

"Strike me down with all your hatred and you journey toward the dark side will be complete... "

Luke force grabs his saber....and strikes down the Emporer...except he is stopped by Vader...

By this literally line of thinking....Luke started down the dark path. he had ever intention of killing the Emperor ...the only reason he didnt was his father stopped him.

So why not have Luke succumb to the dark side after all the tragedy he has had to face....maybe he finally loses it after Kylo kills all his student...maybe he hides Rey when she is young knowing he is slipping to the dark side......

Just some thoughts , I always had a problem with Luke's actions..afetr all Anakin basically does the same thing....he chops off Windu's hand ......Palps kills him.....

So they both did the same thing.....they struck out in anger at a defenseless innocent person.
It's also weird that Vader stops him.

So much for "we can destroy the emperor and rule the Galaxy as father and son".

Vader was truly cucked.
It's also weird that Vader stops him.

So much for "we can destroy the emperor and rule the Galaxy as father and son".

Vader was truly cucked.

He was just acting tough in front of his son, but as soon as he's around the Emperor, Vader be like, "Oh, yessa masssa, Iz gon be a gud aprentiz!" :lol
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