Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Holy hell this movie sounds so bad. What were they thinking? And they're letting Rian start a new trilogy. :lol

No ****in' way! Not me.
RO ruined any chance of seein' Kyle Katarn's stories.
**** that movie and **** Disney!

TLJ ruined Luke Skywalker.

As bad as this movie sounds, it doesn't even sound as bad as TFA. And I think I've finally accepted why. What really bothers me isn't seeing my heroes die on the screen. It's that the filmmakers robbed them of the last 30 or so years of their lives.

Han didn't live happily ever after with Leia. He spent the last few decades of his life as the same selfish scumbag he was when he was first introduced in Mos Eisley.

Luke didn't fulfill his destiny and recreate the Jedi order. He failed more miserably than his mentors and spend the last several decades of his life hiding. Just hiding alone, in complete isolation. Drinking green milk out of a giant slug monster's teat. Broken and pathetic. All that potential and all that "destiny" just wasted on a whim cause Disney wanted to get younger ***** in the seats.

So both Han and Luke get to have one big final heroic sacrifice before killing themselves. Big deal. They both wasted the primes of their lives. It's more sad than just seeing them die. It's seeing them die as failures that really ruins it all for me.

Same thing with Twin Peaks. We waited 25 years to see Agent Cooper again. And we found out the poor bastard was sitting in that room for twenty five years. The hero of the show that all TP fans love more than anything and he had his life ripped away from him, just sitting in that red room til he was an old man. And we finally got to see Cooper, the REAL Cooper at the end, but it was only for 10 minutes. In my head, all these years I imagined Cooper going on adventures and solving cases and falling in love and all that, but no. He was just sitting in a room. Tragic.

Same with Luke. Sitting in that cave alone drinking green slime.

These movies, these mythologies, are supposed to be better than real life. Of course characters should live or die. But seeing them condemned to wallow in loneliness, isolation, failure, and misery? That's just depressing. Our heroes deserve better.

Riddick, you're my hero, a Hero of Our Times* if you will. Спасибо большое!

I was having trouble deciding to spoil myself on this film, and thus truly avoid spending $50 with baby-sitting costs to see it. And then I saw your untagged spoilers which took the burden from my shoulders.

Things sounded ******, so I dove into the spoilers here and at RPF. This film sounds as terrible as TFA. I'd get more amusement buring fifty dollar bills, one after the other.

*For the uninitiated, a famous Russian novel, one of my favorites.

Same thing with Twin Peaks.

I finally watched Season 3. That nihilistic fate for Cooper depressed me so much that I stopped all work on my Cooper custom for like the past six weeks (don't worry anyone on the project, I'll get back in the saddle).
I eventually came around to enjoying Twin Peaks, as seen as a whole instead of 18 episodes. But nothing is gonna take away that depressing fate for Cooper.

Anyway....that's off topic. We have a whole TP thread where we got into it for months.
Because it's true. All of it. That is what people think when someone says they like Star Wars.
Why are these guys so hateful? I never understood why they have to be so bitter about everything

"Hateful?" I'd never seen Nerd Cast before. I was expecting a normal review. I thought it was really funny. I watched their TLJ Trailer Reaction videos too; some of the stuff was savage.
Something weird is going on here. People are reacting so positively to the movie in the early reviews, with some saying that it is perhaps a little "safe", yet the leaks are being received so negatively and are definitely not "safe". Something doesn't quite add up. Is this all just major misdirection?

Killing Luke and Snoke is not "safe". I doubt a lot of the fan reviews would be so positive if they killed off Luke in the way that he allegedly is.

I don't know, I feel uncertain. I'm still wondering if all the leaks are lies.

Either that or the leaks are true and it really does work within the film when you watch it, and people that have not yet seen it are just overreacting to something because they have no context?

One of my good friends works for a UK Movies/TV/Comic Books/Video games news and reviews website here in England, and he went to the UK Premiere/Press Screening last night. He said that he loved it and can't stop thinking about it. And he's a huge OT Star Wars fan (hates the prequels).

Something doesn't add up. I'm so confused!
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Without having seen the film(or read the spoilers) I believe we are fully in "force awakens mode" here meaning people love it because it's new star wars and it's well made and not terrible. And that's it. I like Force Awakens. It's a good popcorn film and fun. But it's not the revelation I thought it was when it was first released. It's merely "good" and that's when you accept that a lot of it is in fact a New Hope rehash. I really loved Kylo Ren and I like Rey and Finn and Poe and some of the others. It did it's job in terms of "fun" characters. Rogue One was the opposite. People love that because of it's plot with it's characters being more archtypes and people love it too because it jives more with the OT.

I think this one, in many ways, will be the new Revenge of the Sith. Some will hate it(but no more than they hate Force Awakens). Others will just flat out love it, warts and all. And I expect Episode 9 will be the new Attack of the Clones(for better or worse especially with a returning J.J. but that's another topic).
Without having seen the film(or read the spoilers) I believe we are fully in "force awakens mode" here meaning people love it because it's new star wars and it's well made and not terrible. And that's it. I like Force Awakens. It's a good popcorn film and fun. But it's not the revelation I thought it was when it was first released. It's merely "good" and that's when you accept that a lot of it is in fact a New Hope rehash. I really loved Kylo Ren and I like Rey and Finn and Poe and some of the others. It did it's job in terms of "fun" characters. Rogue One was the opposite. People love that because of it's plot with it's characters being more archtypes and people love it too because it jives more with the OT.

I think this one, in many ways, will be the new Revenge of the Sith. Some will hate it(but no more than they hate Force Awakens). Others will just flat out love it, warts and all. And I expect Episode 9 will be the new Attack of the Clones(for better or worse especially with a returning J.J. but that's another topic).

You can’t compare this to revenge of the sith, thats a masterpiece, you have an entire PT where towards the end of it, Order 66 trumps all. I cry like a ***** when he says it and as bad as Christian Haydensen’s acting is, you are already invested in his character that he does have to submit because either he does the right thing and turned him or he tries to save padme. Palpatine knew this and in the end it you see him single handledly destroy the jedi order, then you have Rogue One where you can finally understand how without the Jedi being in the movie are the greatest threat to the Empire. Imho

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Something weird is going on here. People are reacting so positively to the movie in the early reviews, with some saying that it is perhaps a little "safe", yet the leaks are being received so negatively and are definitely not "safe". Something doesn't quite add up. Is this all just major misdirection?

Killing Luke and Snoke is not "safe". I doubt a lot of the fan reviews would be so positive if they killed off Luke in the way that he allegedly is.

I don't know, I feel uncertain. I'm still wondering if all the leaks are lies.

Either that or the leaks are true and it really does work within the film when you watch it, and people that have not yet seen it are just overreacting to something because they have no context?

One of my good friends works for a UK Movies/TV/Comic Books/Video games news and reviews website here in England, and he went to the UK Premiere/Press Screening last night. He said that he loved it and can't stop thinking about it. And he's a huge OT Star Wars fan (hates the prequels).

Something doesn't add up. I'm so confused!

For the exact reason they openly mock in the video above - they have to say positive things because for whatever reason they were invited to the premiere, and want to be invited to the next ones (remember, we nowadays get a new SW film every SIX MONTHS.)

I mean what are you going to do as a minor celeb or youtuber? You're gonna be THAT guy who says it s*cks and get exiled back to your youtube channel, podcast or fansite when the Solo movie premieres?
Something weird is going on here. People are reacting so positively to the movie in the early reviews, with some saying that it is perhaps a little "safe", yet the leaks are being received so negatively and are definitely not "safe". Something doesn't quite add up. Is this all just major misdirection?

Well, sure, the Pawn at RPG could be making up the synopsis he shared. Wor-Gar certainly is someone who would appreciate a good trolling (and thus add his touches to the Pawn's claims).

But then I remember TFA being universally praised until it was released. Almost immediately people started to tear it apart due to its painfully derivative relationship to ANH, the poor world-building, and Mary Sue elements of Rey. Eventually some critics called it out as mediocre, if not down-right bad.

I also think of the fact that Porgs are actually a real element of this film. One of the funniest bits from the Nerd Cast is their initial reaction that the Porgs must be some sort of Photoshoped prank and their about-face to how "super cool" the Porgs are once they learn the still is real.

Remember Disney tried to blackball the L.A. Times from attending previews due to an investigative story the paper ran earlier this year. Only a show of media solidarity made them back down. But the mentality of expecting deference and conformity is there.

They embargoed reviews until a few hours from now, and I doubt invites to the premiere went to people generally suspected of rocking the boat. I'll be able to laugh at myself if I fell for a tall tale, but it's more likely that the plot just sucks. That's why Mark Hamill was saying he wished they'd considered Lucas' ideas more.
For the exact reason they openly mock in the video above - they have to say positive things because for whatever reason they were invited to the premiere, and want to be invited to the next ones (remember, we nowadays get a new SW film every SIX MONTHS.)

I mean what are you going to do as a minor celeb or youtuber? You're gonna be THAT guy who says it s*cks and get exiled back to your youtube channel, podcast or fansite when the Solo movie premieres?

Maybe, but I really trust my friend who went to the Press Screening last night. I've known him for 10 years and he's been in his job for 6 years. He has reviewed big releases before and given negative reviews if they warrant it. He is not one to just say "yes" to garbage just to get invited to premieres.

I'm still confused. Either the leaks are fake OR they are true but come across incredibly well/different in the movie.

If you think about it, if someone leaked ESB back in 1980 in the manner that TLJ is being leaked, it doesn't sound nearly as great as the final product;

Rebels are hiding on a snow planet.
Luke gets captured by a snow monster.
Luke escapes but nearly freezes to death and gets visited by Obi-Wan's spirit, who tells him to go to a swamp planet to train as Jedi.
The Empire attacks the Rebels, they escape.
Luke trains to be Jedi with a little green alien. No backstory to this alien.
Han, Leia and Chewie fly the Millennium Falcon into a big slug's stomach.
Han, Leia and Chewie escape, land on a gas planet, get captured by the Empire.
C-3PO gets blown up.
We see the Emperor but no explanation or backstory is given.
Han gets frozen by Darth Vader.
Luke gets arm cut off by Darth Vader.
Vader is Luke's Dad. No explanation is given.
Movie ends.

I wonder how people would react if ESB was released in 2017 and this was the leak they got?

Either way, we will all know everything about TLJ in full context and the way it's supposed to be presented in a couple of days.
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You'll all come around now and start loving Rogue One, as it should be loved.

So RO much better!? I was afraid of that- I thought RO was impressive and took some chances...I knew it would be hard to follow it up...
So.... I guess Disney should have went with George's overall ideas for the new Trilogy but found someone else to write and direct, correct? It's what should have happened with the Prequels too. Son of a B!!! Hey, if it's really that bad at least there is the EU stuff. Just ignore these Disney Wars movies and consider those your canon for SW. I'll have to decide for myself after seeing this thing Saturday.
On the topic of personal canon: for as flawed as it was, my favorite is still "Dark Empire" from Dark Horse Comics back in 1991.

People really tend to forget the "dark ages" from about 1984-1995 when Star Wars was NOT cool, hip, fashionable, or a religion. There was a serious lull in the franchise. Products and new media were few and far between.

Then the Heir to the Empire books came out and at least nerds were really buzzing about SW again. I didn't care for that, but the Dark Empire books were just amazing to me.

I absolutely loved the look of the powerful Jedi master Luke, as he explored the potential of the Dark side:

Star Wars - Dark Empire 01 - 18.jpg
Star Wars - Dark Empire 02 - 22 (2).jpg
Star Wars - Dark Empire 02 - 23 (2).jpg

It's not that dissimilar from how Kylo looks, is it?

And then the toys started coming out again in 1995, along with the THX remastered VHS 1997 Ep One was in production and the special editions were in theaters. Then it was all Star Wars, all the time. But I still look back fondly on those "dark" years when it seemed like only the really hardcore fans were still around. And I love the 1998 Dark Empire Luke...he's the only 3 3/4 inch SW figure I currently still display.

Star Wars canon is a messy, fluid thing. It changes constantly. Even our beloved original trilogy was clearly made up on the fly. I highly doubt anyone would have had a chick open mouth kissing her brother if they really knew how things were gonna go all along.

I ***** and gripe and moan about the Disney SW stuff cause it represents the worst era in the history of the franchise for me. I understand the original movies were also "soulless cash grabs" but it's just so much more blatant to me now. If people like it, then that's fine, and I hope they enjoy it. I personally don't, but thankfully I have several years worth of SW material that I DO enjoy that I can revisit any time I want.
You know what's funny? It wasn't a soulless cash grab for George when he first made it. And he did't set out to create a commercial empire but he did end up becoming what he hated when he was young. It happens all the time. Star Wars is now a flat out commercial property who's number one purpose is making money but a long time ago in a time that seems far, far away it was one guys fantasy project based on Flash Gordon.
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