No ****in' way! Not me.
RO ruined any chance of seein' Kyle Katarn's stories.
**** that movie and **** Disney!
As bad as this movie sounds, it doesn't even sound as bad as TFA. And I think I've finally accepted why. What really bothers me isn't seeing my heroes die on the screen. It's that the filmmakers robbed them of the last 30 or so years of their lives.
Han didn't live happily ever after with Leia. He spent the last few decades of his life as the same selfish scumbag he was when he was first introduced in Mos Eisley.
Luke didn't fulfill his destiny and recreate the Jedi order. He failed more miserably than his mentors and spend the last several decades of his life hiding. Just hiding alone, in complete isolation. Drinking green milk out of a giant slug monster's teat. Broken and pathetic. All that potential and all that "destiny" just wasted on a whim cause Disney wanted to get younger ***** in the seats.
So both Han and Luke get to have one big final heroic sacrifice before killing themselves. Big deal. They both wasted the primes of their lives. It's more sad than just seeing them die. It's seeing them die as failures that really ruins it all for me.
Same thing with Twin Peaks. We waited 25 years to see Agent Cooper again. And we found out the poor bastard was sitting in that room for twenty five years. The hero of the show that all TP fans love more than anything and he had his life ripped away from him, just sitting in that red room til he was an old man. And we finally got to see Cooper, the REAL Cooper at the end, but it was only for 10 minutes. In my head, all these years I imagined Cooper going on adventures and solving cases and falling in love and all that, but no. He was just sitting in a room. Tragic.
Same with Luke. Sitting in that cave alone drinking green slime.
These movies, these mythologies, are supposed to be better than real life. Of course characters should live or die. But seeing them condemned to wallow in loneliness, isolation, failure, and misery? That's just depressing. Our heroes deserve better.
Same thing with Twin Peaks.
Riddick, you're my hero, a Hero of Our Times* if you will. Спасибо большое!
This film sounds as terrible as TFA. I'd get more amusement buring fifty dollar bills, one after the other.
right. This is the one time I’m glad I’ve read spoilers. I’m glad I’ve saved my money on this piece of ****. This new trilogy is nothing to me!That last bit sounds insanely terrible. I can't believe that's how he goes out.
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Why are these guys so hateful? I never understood why they have to be so bitter about everything
Without having seen the film(or read the spoilers) I believe we are fully in "force awakens mode" here meaning people love it because it's new star wars and it's well made and not terrible. And that's it. I like Force Awakens. It's a good popcorn film and fun. But it's not the revelation I thought it was when it was first released. It's merely "good" and that's when you accept that a lot of it is in fact a New Hope rehash. I really loved Kylo Ren and I like Rey and Finn and Poe and some of the others. It did it's job in terms of "fun" characters. Rogue One was the opposite. People love that because of it's plot with it's characters being more archtypes and people love it too because it jives more with the OT.
I think this one, in many ways, will be the new Revenge of the Sith. Some will hate it(but no more than they hate Force Awakens). Others will just flat out love it, warts and all. And I expect Episode 9 will be the new Attack of the Clones(for better or worse especially with a returning J.J. but that's another topic).
Something weird is going on here. People are reacting so positively to the movie in the early reviews, with some saying that it is perhaps a little "safe", yet the leaks are being received so negatively and are definitely not "safe". Something doesn't quite add up. Is this all just major misdirection?
Killing Luke and Snoke is not "safe". I doubt a lot of the fan reviews would be so positive if they killed off Luke in the way that he allegedly is.
I don't know, I feel uncertain. I'm still wondering if all the leaks are lies.
Either that or the leaks are true and it really does work within the film when you watch it, and people that have not yet seen it are just overreacting to something because they have no context?
One of my good friends works for a UK Movies/TV/Comic Books/Video games news and reviews website here in England, and he went to the UK Premiere/Press Screening last night. He said that he loved it and can't stop thinking about it. And he's a huge OT Star Wars fan (hates the prequels).
Something doesn't add up. I'm so confused!
Something weird is going on here. People are reacting so positively to the movie in the early reviews, with some saying that it is perhaps a little "safe", yet the leaks are being received so negatively and are definitely not "safe". Something doesn't quite add up. Is this all just major misdirection?
For the exact reason they openly mock in the video above - they have to say positive things because for whatever reason they were invited to the premiere, and want to be invited to the next ones (remember, we nowadays get a new SW film every SIX MONTHS.)
I mean what are you going to do as a minor celeb or youtuber? You're gonna be THAT guy who says it s*cks and get exiled back to your youtube channel, podcast or fansite when the Solo movie premieres?
You'll all come around now and start loving Rogue One, as it should be loved.
Why are these guys so hateful? I never understood why they have to be so bitter about everything