Did I just watch a ****ing movie whose sole entire premise was built upon the fact that the BAD GUYS WERE UNABLE TO CATCH UP TO THE GOOD GUYS!
Did they really keep cutting back to the dumbest chase in cinema history!
But Disney's awesome, right?
I can’t believe they outdid phantom menace yoda. Looked like a rubber sock puppet. I got really excited when I saw the back of his head and then my jaw dropped. I seriously have no idea what he said to Luke because I couldn’t stop staring at how hideous it was.
how about we look past our own fan fiction fantasies and objectively talk about the film.
What a wonderful smell I discovered lastnight.
It felt like Johnson was blatantly trolling the audience throughout the entire movie.
You think I'll have Snoke be a powerful Dark-sider? Wrong.
You think I'll give Rey a meaningful origin and journey? Wrong again.
You think I'll give you a BADASS Luke Skywalker? Sooooo wrong.
You think I'll take it easy on the comedy and Porgs? Tragically wrong.
You think I'll actually give Phasma something to do? Painfully WRONG.
You think you'll like this movie? HAHAHAHAHA wrong, baby. Wrong.
Apparently they have meth in "Force spirit world".
You play by the rules set in previous movies: Luke is the *only* one who sees good in Vader. Luke is going to murder his nephew in his sleep. W.T.F.
EXACTLY how I felt leaving Iron Man 3, like I'd just gotten a huge middle finger in my face.
I think my son said it best when he said, "It was an OK movie but not a good Star Wars movie." We expect more from this special franchise and as far as I'm concerned, the new sequels haven't provided that. It had it's moments but came across as ideas thrown into a hat and taped together.
This movie just didn’t feel like part of a trilogy. It felt like a one-shot. Really liked the Rey Kylo sequences. That had a lot of potential.
'Oh wow, I wonder who Snoke is and where he's from. Oh, I guess he's dead.'
'I wonder who Reys parents are, the previous movie made it seem like a big deal. Oh, they're nobodies.'
'Last movie ended on a cliffhanger with Luke, I wonder what he'll say to Rey. Oh, he does a funny.'
I really hated how the movie ****s all over the mysterious that were built up in the previous one. And that stupid beginning scene with Hux and Poe just made me cringe...The only scenes I liked were the ones with Kylo and Rey. Kylo is the only thing I like from the ST.
I’m just trolling there’s alot I absolutely did LOVE in this movie.
It actually got alot more right than wrong but the wrong are definately head scratchers.
It felt like Johnson was blatantly trolling the audience throughout the entire movie.
You think I'll have Snoke be a powerful Dark-sider? Wrong.
You think I'll give Rey a meaningful origin and journey? Wrong again.
You think I'll give you a BADASS Luke Skywalker? Sooooo wrong.
You think I'll take it easy on the comedy and Porgs? Tragically wrong.
You think I'll actually give Phasma something to do? Painfully WRONG.
You think you'll like this movie? HAHAHAHAHA wrong, baby. Wrong.
all you guys and your Expanded Universe canon being demolished