50% audience score on RT.

*claws crossed, savors moment*
50% audience score on RT.
Wait until DiFabio comes in here and brings the hammer down.![]()
Ugh. Gotta wait till Monday. I've remained pretty spoiler free, but I have admittedly checked in the last few pages of reviews and comments here. Whatever Luke stuff happens sounds discouraging because like many of you, I sorta have a vision of how I imagined his life after 'Jedi'. If I find after seeing this movie, I can selectively ignore Disneys take, what are a couple Legends EU novels that folks recommend to get this taste out of my mouth. Stuff after Thrawn that's Luke heavy, maybe optimistic? A good 2 or 3 books/series I might look for.
Still holding out some hope I might like what happens in canon personally, with context of the movie and all, we'll see, but, man it sure isn't what I wanted to read today.
Watch he like the movie lol
Luke Skywalker was served up to Johnson on a platter and THIS is what he does with him. Made him a POINTLESS character that can't even put up a REAL fight and has to resort to astral projection to face his apprentice. What. The. Fuuuuuuuuuuu**.
This version of Luke Skywalker never should have been filmed. I completely agree with Hamill's complaints. Awful treatment of an icon. Just awful.
And don't even get me started on gravity defying/space flying Leia. I cringed horrifically.
Yeah, the stuff I hoped to see was 10 times better than the asinine, insulting crap they delivered, which you seemed to enjoy.
What other bad movies do you like? Push? Jumper?
Wait until DiFabio comes in here and brings the hammer down.![]()
It's funny that you guys think DiFabio will be back. I don't think he will be. We spoke a few days ago and he's not excited at all.
He killed the past, let it die.
And how old were you when the OT came out? All I'm saying is that it's George Lucas story and his target audience was kids as he has repeated that several times, this comes from the creators mouth not my opinion. If that offends you take it up with George.. I'm not saying older fans have been left behind, I'm saying "Hardcore" older fans act like they've been left behind because the newer movies were not made the way they had envisioned in their minds. Most older fans hated the prequels but kids loved them even Jar Jar.
Some of you OT purists sound like little kids upset at mom that you did't get your toy.
I have to ask, SNIKT, what is your opinion of auteur Rian now?
I just want to hear you say it.![]()
I have to ask, SNIKT, what is your opinion of auteur Rian now?
I just want to hear you say it.![]()
i blame both auteur rian and the studio. Unacceptable. This whole thing is unacceptable.
And jj can't even save it in ix because there's nothing left to save.
Franchise dead.
And what's wrong with that?![]()
I blame both auteur Rian and the studio. Unacceptable.
Hasn't he suffered enough already Haha ...
I blame both auteur Rian and the studio. Unacceptable. This whole thing is unacceptable.
And JJ can't even save it in IX because there's nothing left to save.
Franchise dead.
change your avatar
Dude, you WILL NEVER GET TO SEE Luke bring down the house with that green saber. Never.