Sister...must contact sister...she has the coordinates.
Wor-Gar Disney has got me...please send help...must go in danger.
What happened to Fishers nose , did she break it before TLJ?
Broom boy and co. don't need no training. Do you not know how the nu-Force and bu-Jedi work?
I just wanna know if Kilo and Ray are gonna **** and restore balance to the galaxy. If Luke hadn't caught the two of them and tore down the hut, they most definitely would have porged. My tumblr Reylo shipping fan fiction fantasy was almost complete!
I just wanna know if Kilo and Ray are gonna **** and restore balance to the galaxy. If Luke hadn't caught the two of them and tore down the hut, they most definitely would have porged. My tumblr Reylo shipping fan fiction fantasy was almost complete!
So apparently people don't enjoy the third week-end as much as Rian Johnson does, TLJ is going to make about $3 million more than Rogue One on the same week-end.
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No SW is going to make more than TFA (well until future generations with $40 tickets and adjusted inflation etc)
TLJ is a freakin success- if the brand name is hurt well that's that. SW is not ruined- heck even SOLO might prove to be a big surprise and be good..
The Kennedy hate is over-the-top garbage. It's all meaningless-90% of the audience aren't crazed fan boys of the type on these boards. They pay their money and watch the movie.
To those of you who say they refuse to see Solo and Ep 9- who are you fooling? Not me...