Are those really Jedi robes for Rey to wear though..she got it from the Falcon..but then Luke visited the Falcon so the mystery continues
I really think this film had a lot more deleted scenes that Disney doesn’t want us to know about .

you can't kill SW, same way Schumaker couldn't kill batman with his sh**ty movies. But you can damage it to the point where you may need a 3-5 year hiatus followed by a reboot, and if done right it could make more than $2B IMO. But we're not there yet, you'll need 2 more crap films before we start talking about long term damage... let's see how Solo does next.
China opens Jan 5... though I don't expect it to contribute much.
1.3B would be closer to my gut.
Again, true clarity on this film will only come in time. Talk about this movie will be more sensible in March, and even moreso by summer, when arguments can be better supported.
China opens Jan 5... though I don't expect it to contribute much.
1.3B would be closer to my gut.
Again, true clarity on this film will only come in time. Talk about this movie will be more sensible in March, and even moreso by summer, when arguments can be better supported.
TLJ really earned 65 million.![]()
Agree 100%. I initially really liked TFA because it was a fresh start to the franchise and the nostalgia of seeing Han, Chewie et al was huge for me, and I gave the movie an 8/10. But after 6 months I was able to judge it more clearly and while I still enjoyed the movie and liked the story line, It was closer to a 6/10 for me.
Ooh, this really triggers me.
Why is Ahch-To considered the sacred Jedi grounds?! I thought that was on Coruscant or hell, that stupid Jedha planet and holy city from Rogue One?
Yep. I can't even sit thru it on HBO anymore, and I also liked it when first released. Its better crafted in many ways than the PT but its really short on "stuff" and eye-candy which the PT reveled in. TFA also feels really slow. Deathly slow. Makes the PT feel like hyperspace.
Here's a good game for someone: how do the Star Wars movies rank when box office is adjusted for inflation? Wonder how closely they match the SS Poll ranking?
Episode 9 just needs to start with Luke waking up from a bad dream..
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but you can't just adjust for $$$ inflation alone because back in 1977 US population was 220 million vs 330 million today. So right there you'd have a 50% larger viewing population on top of 40 years of compounded inflation. You also have probably 50X the number of movie theaters opening night, plus 3D and iMax charging a premium. And you'd also have to adjust for the global markets which were smaller than today (eg Asian markets weren't readily accessible in 1977).
Luke's island should have been levitating the whole time
Luke's island should have been levitating the whole time like one of those Avatar mountains. Then, when Luke dies in the end, the island drops, revealing it was him keeping it in the air, as part of his concentration and mental training everyday.
I thought of that while I was in church today.![]()
I heard Episode 9 will open in the Ghost World where Luke is in council with Ben, Yoda, Anakin and Qui-Gon, all discussing how to bend Rey to the will of the Light. Yoda raises a stick of butter but Ben quickly takes it away from him, saying not like that.
Luke's island should have been levitating the whole time like one of those Avatar mountains. Then, when Luke dies in the end, the island drops, revealing it was him keeping it in the air, as part of his concentration and mental training everyday.
I thought of that while I was in church today.![]()