Super Freak
Sick of beta really just wanna play FOR REAL!
Same here, been playing beta since Mid September. Tired of loosing toons just shy of the end game. Can't wait till head start kicks off!
Sick of beta really just wanna play FOR REAL!
I remember reading (thinking) a long time ago that your lightsaber type had to depend on your class.. Marauder = dual wield, Inquis = dual blade, Juggernaut = single blade
Is that true? Because if so, it's really going to blow..
If it is true that is stupid. I should be able to use any type of weapon I want as long as it is consistent with my class. Sith and Jedi should be able to use any type of lightsaber they want. I could in the KOTOR games on the console so I should be able to here.
If not it is tolerable but still really crappy.
I remember reading (thinking) a long time ago that your lightsaber type had to depend on your class.. Marauder = dual wield, Inquis = dual blade, Juggernaut = single blade
Is that true? Because if so, it's really going to blow..
Been testing it for the past 2 hours, plays a lot like Dragon Age Origins (not that its a bad thing)
One question though, is this game subscription based or free to play after the initial purchase?
I tried clicking pre-order and it says the game is not available in my region..WTF, Asia not a viable market?
it's subscription based, and alot of Asia has special laws dealing with mmo games, so until they know 100% how the game will fit, many american companies won't sell to any Asian countries.
Well, that is incredibly disappointing and doesn't really make much is, it's a game balance feature.
Well, that is incredibly disappointing and doesn't really make much sense..
They could just make the weapons do less/more damage for whatever class/spec..don't have to take away a MAJOR part of the Star Wars universe.
I can't imagine Maul was an Inquisitor..![]()
Sigh..can't ____ing login.
Keeps saying this "This account requires additional activation steps to access the game.? bull____.
I've been looking through emails, can't find anything...can't find anything on their site either.
If I don't get in, I'm not buying this. Not dropping that much money on somthing that I could not enjoy whatsoever.
Uhm, what's the ____ing point in inviting me to beta testing if it takes me over 8 hours to DL all of this bull____?