I recently made a Twi'lek Sorcerer, level 12..
but now I am contemplating whether or not I should delete him and start over.
All because of his skin color.
I was happy with the pale green color..but now dark/pale blue is feeling more "Sith" to me. Plus, if they ever add Nautolans..I'll definitely be making a Nautolan Sith, and I always imagined he would be green..but they can also be blue..so if I delete my green Twi'lek Sith and make a blue one, and it turns out I prefer blue over green for a Nautolan Sith, they'd both be blue..and I don't want them to both be blue..but they might not even add Nautolans as a race...damnit.
By the way...what is with these races? Zabrack, Twi'lek..those are like the only two that make sense. I mean, I love all of the races..but there are some MUCH more popular ones out there.
Iktotchi, Kel Dor, Chagrian, Mon Cal, Quarren, Togruta, Rodian, Cerean, Duros/Neimoidian, Kaleesh, Trandoshan, Ithorian, etc and my favorite..Nautolan.