Super Freak
Not even then. Details of the legacy system are starting to leak. New races are unlocked through it.
I'm not seeing this anywhere. Everyone's saying that you're only unlocking new race/class combinations..No actual new races, just the same ones we already have, but you're able to play different classes as them.Not even then. Details of the legacy system are starting to leak. New races are unlocked through it.
Also reading that Bioware apparently said they aren't going to make any non-humanoid races because they believe you won't feel for the character as much or somthing...?
Uhg..I don't want this game to fail.
For most, they'd just have to adjust the head gear. Togruta, Nautolan, Kel Dor, Iktotchi, Rodian, Trandoshan, Ithorian, and many others basically have humanish bodies..it's just the heads that greatly differ.I think that's a PR response.
The real reason is probably that it'd be a pain to fit all the items for the various races size and shapes.
I was like that for awhile. Now i have a 50 and my other guy is like 25. I'm enjoying the post-level 50 missions that you can do.Got a lvl 30
lvl 19
lvl 18
Need to stay focused on one lol
I'm not seeing this anywhere. Everyone's saying that you're only unlocking new race/class combinations..No actual new races, just the same ones we already have, but you're able to play different classes as them.
EDIT: Really? Sith Pureblood as a JEDI? I'm getting scared.
Also reading that Bioware apparently said they aren't going to make any non-humanoid races because they believe you won't feel for the character as much or somthing...?
Uhg..I don't want this game to fail.
It's much wierder... They could say "Oh, well, all records of the Chiss were erased" or some crap like that..but a SITH PUREBLOOD being a JEDI? Not defending the Chiss issue, it annoys me as well..but this just seems much more outrageous.It's no weirder that Putting the Chiss into the galaxy more than 3000 Years before they learned to speak basic.
It's much wierder... They could say "Oh, well, all records of the Chiss were erased" or some crap like that..but a SITH PUREBLOOD being a JEDI? Not defending the Chiss issue, it annoys me as well..but this just seems much more outrageous.
Is that even possible? I don't think it is.. They ARE the SITH..how can they..how..they're the sith..they're..how...
It defeats the whole purpose of the race.......