I'm not surprised the game went free to play, I played the Sith Warrior story, I had a few other characters after but only ever made it anywhere with the Jedi Knight since at least I was hearing new dialogue. It was just hard to want to play the story again when only the main story missions per class were any different. But the game also never really felt like Star Wars aside from some of the planets. Character creation is way to limited there are very few variations on the same exact design. Content takes forever to come out, and now Bioware is saying Yet Again that content will be on a more frequent basis starting this fall, well they said after 1.2 content would be out every month, that never happened. legacy while yeah it seemed like a cool idea all of the features were so expensive in terms of in game currency that they were completely useless. Now Bioware is adding a new currency for premium items, well I'm sure that will be horribly expensive as well. overall what could have been a great game was just a very basic MMO with a Star Wars skin slapped on it, and run by people who clearly have no idea to run an MMO.