I'm not denouncing the game, or cheering that it went F2P, I'm just not surprised one bit.
Bioware gets stories, and RPG titles. that's a proven thing.
They DON'T get MMO's, and neither does EA.
They released this game unfinished. there were KEY mmo tools the game lacked, that are present in the big hitters. Group finders, Dungeon and raid finders, guild recruitment tools, etc.
Yes, I've read and re-read the comments of " well , wow didn't have those things when it was released either." and while that's true, they also didn't have 10 million subscribers at launch either. they have that now. And they have it by giving the players what they wanted. there is absolutely no reason to not have those things when you release an MMO these days.
Doing so would be the same as if i Started a business selling cars that did not have power windows, air conditioning, power steering, and automatic transmissions, and my justification was that the model T didn't have those things when it came out, and look how successful ford is today.
Missing game mechanics aside, Bioware's plan for content was that every player play every class to get the story.
No. EXPECTING all your players to do this, then getting baffled when they don't is dumb. Yes, SOME will, but your truly hardcore mmo players, the ones who will keep your game alive year after year likely will not do that. Not at first anyways. Additionally, they keep promising to release new content faster.. and we've yet to see them deliver anything new so far other than the Rhakghoul event. and while awesome, they promised faster, we've yet to see anything.
Then there are the worlds themselves. They're mostly tiny. there are a FEW exceptions, like hoth, and Tatioone, where I REALLY feel like I was on those worlds, inside star wars. But the rest of the time... it felt like i was in a theme park.. that if i looked closely enough at the "fake" buildings, i'd see they were made of cardboard.
It is, for the most part, not at all immersive. And that's the biggest mistake. like you said, there was no drive to really "hang out" anywhere. it just... failed on so many levels.
Then we add EA into the equation. EA, slave to release dates, and concerned more with the bottom line than releasing quality product.
MANY of my issues with missing game mechanics were, in my opinion, left out intentionally to meet a release date set by EA. and while release dates are important to a degree, I'd rather a game be more polished and late, than on-time and not finished.
Those fixes weve seen to add those things? image if instead of putting into the game that should have been in there since Day one, we had been seeing actual content updates.
Short version, TOR has been a carnival of failures and mistakes. and it's caught up to them.
I do hope that lucasfilm/lucasarts doesn't decide that this means that Star wars simply CAN'T work as an mmo, and never try again. A amazing star Wars MMO is a possibility, we've just not hit the right combination as of yet.