I finally bit the bullet on him. I... think. I went to buy the figure on Sideshow, but for some reason it won't let me actually pay. I went through checkout, selected a payment option (went with PayPal since I figured I'd pay it in full), got the confimation email and... that was it. I haven't even paid any deposit. My cards and accounts show no activity. I've been trying to find a way to follow the Help Center's instructions, but when I go to "Order Details" I get none of that. The order still shows in my account page and everything, but I really don't get why I have no option of just paying for the damn thing. Is this applicable only for US customers? I don't know. All other figures I have with Sideshow are on PO, with a payment plan. Paid my deposit, set the installments, easy peasy. Here I really don't get what's happening.
Whatever, I'm pretty excited for this one since it apparently turned out so good. I like Driver and Kylo was the only redeeming thing about the ST, so might as well get him to represent that, disappointing as it turned out to be. His character is still all over the place, and the canon ending is such a ******* misfire, to the point where I don't even know what I think about it, but Driver really put the work, the design is a nice Space Knight look, and dunno, I feel like having it. I'll just pretend he's my imaginary version of canon Jacen Solo and his story ended differently than the end of ROS, which again, still sucks. Even Johnson's Post-TLJ route would've been preferable... Rey and maybe Luke, purely for completionist purposes, would be the only others I'd consider if I had spare money laying around and nothing else to waste them on. Apart from a ROS Palpatine of course, but I don't consider him an ST character; you get my point. I liked the idea of Hux, and he always had nifty outfits, so he's a maybe. Oscar Isaac is one of my current favourites, but Jesus was his character bland. The only reason to buy a hypothetical Poe fig would be if they made the ROS look and you had him double as an Uncharted 3 Nate. Anyway, I do slightly prefer the TLJ look, but that one costs a ton more, and the ROS one does have the better cape and glowing helmet, so I'm not walking away dissapointed. Now if only I was sure if I did actually buy the damn thing...