Games and movies are not the poblem. I grew up watching violent movies and video games.
In the end it is usually parenting failure. Example, in the news a few years ago, a kid (six years old) stole his parents car and police chased him for like 10 minutes. The news crew was interviewing the family and the kid said he did that all he time in grand theft auto, so thought he could in real life. Once the said the the Idiot parents laughed
. Well, why the hell was a six year old playing a game te clearly says 17+ on the cover. Parent failure 100%.
People go crazy and kill because they are crazy and psychotic end of story. Games and movies have zero influence. A sane person knows the difference. If a young kid is saying thing like you describe then it comes down to parenting failure, allowing young kids to be exposed to those things (young kids don't understand) and psychos are just psychos.
On a different note, same thing with gun laws. Banning models of guns wont do a damn thing. If a psycho wants to kill a large number of people he will with guns or a different tools.
To the tax issue If the U.S. is hard up for money they should get with the times and make prostitution legal and tax that, they would make a killing