Super Freak
yeh was gonna pre order but will wait for some more info.fixed shoes are a no no for me,would have to put GOD/HT smiley on to make a more casual the sculpt really doesnt suit it
If EB cannot sculpt a better head than HT.. this is a pass. especially this piece is much higher in price.
just ordered the Darth Maul Mythos cause of above reason.
I personally think it has nothing to do with EB not been able to sculpt better than HT, it all has something to do with the one and only man who can do justice to Bruce and we all know who that man is the one and only ARNIE KIM. I have 40 plus Bruce Lee figures and i hate to say it, this will be the 1st one that i will pass. I might get it though once i see how the HT Casual head will look on this.
Stanlore, I am just curious. When you buy in-store are you able to open a few boxes to examin for differences and flaws ? Last year I saw one guy opening a boxed Godfather at the Enterbay Store, and examening and changing parts...
My favourite snap of the lot...I'll bite...
I think the sculpt looks good. Will look better on a GOD set.
The thing is, this was supposed to be what we got for the BD HS, and it sucks we have to buy this in order to get that head. The Game of Death 2010 would have been long sold out by now if this is what we got, rubber problems and all. Like others mentioned, for the more hardcore Bruce fans, not the casual want one Bruce Lee in my collection collector.
However, if people started parting out the heads, I think its a worthy upgrade to the people that just slapped a GOD suit on the HT DX04 without the hair mod. IMHO that dosent look like him in GOD at all, more like a stunt double.
Why the HT smiling head? ....why not the EB GoD smiling heaD?
Hot Toys and Enterbay are slightly different scale so not sure how the casual lee head will look.
But this body was originally designed for the GoD set so I'm guessing the GoD smiling head will fit perfectly (and it looks good with the HT sunglasses on it too)
because HT Smiley HS is made by Arnie Kim.
yup me too, still undecided, will wait and see,,am sure it,ll be too awesome to resist , once see this in handstill not screaming ''buy me'' the 1/4's and bust were got straight away,and i think further down the line the body and sculpt will be sold seperatly. i got a feeling that the legs/feet are gonna be unpainted like the 1/4's one on ebay for pre/order $240..dont think so!!!
same as the 1/4 i guess.hard vinyl?
I arrived in HK today, but the store was closed when I was up there. Will of course go back tomorrow to see if the figure is displayed in the store and try to take some photos if it is. Will also try to remember to ask a few questions regarding the head (if it can be removed and changed to the G.O.D. smilie head), shoes (with or without feet to change to yellow G.O.D. sneakers) and skin (hard or soft)... Plus if the one being displayed (if displayed that is) is the final version. Do I have my task right?
By the way, I will do the asking in the same manner of my signature if Natalie is there...