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Ugh up to $110 spent now.


I'm at a whopping $10 so far.
I know it's really old, but I keep hoping I'll see CoD World at War on there. That game was released in 2008, but it's still $20?? Is there still strong online support for it??
It's because Activision are greedy bastards.


Next week I'll be buying a PC here's specs

Cooler Master HAF X full ATX case
Western Digital 1TB HD
Cooler Master HX850 Power Supply
Hyper EVO 212 CPU cooler
G.Skill 16 GB of RAM
Evga Nvidia GTX770
Intel i7 3770k
Asus Bluray Drive
Anybody have an extra Reus card from the Steam summer sale? That's the only one I need to make this stupid badge. :lol
What are your guys' thoughts on Payday: The Heist? I passed on the STEAM sale because the second one is coming out in two or three weeks.
I spent a ton ...... everything on sale today is really good. Civ V, The Walking Dead, Borderlands 2 and alot of the Indie games are good.
Payday 2 is coming out in 2 weeks? awesome. Also can't wait for BF4 and hopefully rockstar ports over GTA V
I cracked and ended up buying a couple of games last night and this morning:
Crysis 2 for $8.99 I might as well give it a playthrough.
The Star Wars Collection for $50. I really just wanted to relive the Dark Forces games, and Republic Commando was pretty cool too.
I didn't do to bad dishonor, res6 and tomb raider. With payday 2 coming up soon. Was tempted into buying skyrim but i haven't even started killzone 3 (clearance 15 bucks) just finished last of us (imho game of the year for me) bioshock inf and Assassins Creed still sealed not even started them yet lol. I'll prob finish these games by the time Christmas sales start har har!
I have an extra PAYDAY 2 Beta key to trade on Steam.

If any one is interested feel free to PM me with offers. I'm particularly interested in Bioshock Infinite trading cards, so that will receive precedence.

Edit: Beta Key gone!
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