Definitely didn't have the best matches, but there were a few that were pretty good. He actually was a better wrestler than WWF ever let him be as a match in Japan with Muta where he did a bit of chain wrestling (albiet a bit slow).
His backstage politics were some of the worst in the business, but I try to seperate that from the in ring performer a bit (he screwed Bret big time) though it can be hard at times. Can't stand that we didn't see Hogan/Flair in the WWF or Hogan/Hart. I think he blocked a program with Steamboat and Roberts too.
My fave Hogan matches were his match with Warrior, SNME with Henning, Goldberg in Atlanta, SNME with Harley Race (just a historically significant match), the one where he dropped the strap to Luger in WCW, Savage Wrestlemania V (the build for that one was awesome) vs. Flair on Raw (2002) and his first match in wcw, vs. Muta in Japan, vs. Arn Anderson, vs. Angle, vs. Jericho 2002, and my favorite match of all time vs. the Rock. That match had the best crowd reaction I've seen in the match.
None of these were technically good matches, but the significance and crowd reactions were off the charts which elevates a match in my eyes. Pretty much every other match he ever did was complete crap

Really had to rack my brain for good Hogan matches.