Meaning what? Do tell.In the future the method of ordering Storm products may change.
Meaning what? Do tell.
Alright. If we benefit from whatever they decide, then cool.
I'm glad things started moving on bbts for you guys.
In the future the method of ordering Storm products may change.
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It was weird with this figure because I got the BBTS email notice first that the Olympic Tyson was processing within 10-days.
Then all of a sudden a couple days later, this Tyson (that we've all been waiting for) was available in my BBTS Pile of Loot and my credit card was charged. There was no advance notice.
Initially I was under the assumption the Olympic version would arrive first at BBTS.
Day 3 of keeping my Tyson body posed like this:
Checking right arm, maybe a bit of residue & wrinkling, but still looking alright.
Checking left arm, oops, already has a hole in it
Not too happy about it, but at least I have a spare body I can pose in a fighting stance on the shelf. If you want to keep your Tyson body mint, I guess it's straight arm poses for your display.
Edit: I was already thinking about it, but I think it might be time to cancel my Olympic pre order.
Lawrence, where you get this body from?