Jack's Smirking Revenge
I have no doubts.As long as I can button mash and beat Karma I'm good.
lobby is one on one who says I'll play ya?
I have no doubts.As long as I can button mash and beat Karma I'm good.
I have no doubts.As long as I can button mash and beat Karma I'm good.
lobby is one on one who says I'll play ya?
Karma is good and can hold his own, make no mistake about it!
Karma is good and can hold his own, make no mistake about it!
dude seth is kicking my ass.as soon as you get him down to half his last health then all his cheap ass unblockable moves come out
dude seth is kicking my ass.as soon as you get him down to half his last health then all his cheap ass unblockable moves come out
Played it for about 5 hours today and mostly in Arcade mode trying to unlock all the characters. It's great, but I'm not feeling the anime cutscenes that bookend each character's journey through arcade mode. It's poorly animated and the English dub is awful. (I haven't tried changing it to Japanese yet, but will soon).
I really like how SFIV handles the language track for in-fight battle dialogue. You can change between Japanese and English voice track for each fighter. So Ryu can sound Japanese and Ken in English, which is great, but is a bit odd for characters who aren't either of those nationalities.
Yeah, then ends are pretty bland, and leave things to question. I thought the anime that came with the DVD wasn't as good as the first SF(II) anime.
I watched the SFIV anime movie at my friends house and we all agree that it might be even worse than the Street Fighter Alpha anime movie from a few years back. For what it's worth, it's better than the live action SF movie...