I'll dive in for the pre-sale once I like what I see. Will the final head we get to see be painted?
Just to clarify, do we get to see a finished painted article and get it at the pre casting price before we pay?
Another this is (sorry for being a complete noob) do these head sculpts come with everything needed to fit a bbi/cy/zc figure? Also can the painted heads be heated in water to fit or will the paint be damaged?
I really would like to see it painted first before I part with my cash as I also have shipping to UK to contend with.
What would be the final cost on a Cameron regular, painted and delivered to uk?
Total cost please.
I just got this image of Summer with much bigger ears and a lot more hair!EEK! EEK!
Here is the first set of Summer Glau photos sans hair.
I know it can be tough seeing the likeness without hair, especially in a flat gray color, so I put a quick Medusa wig of Super Sculpey "snakes" on her to help..... not sure if it helps or hurts!
I've opted for the slightly open mouth. After watching several episodes of SCC and the movie Serenity, I realized just how common an expression this is for her.
I still need to lightly texture her skin with a very soft brush and form her teeth inside her slightly parted lips once the main bulk is hardened.
I'm digging it for sure!
Cryo, can you take me off of tentative. I am sure that I will want this!
I will also want it painted!
PLEASE help me keep your orders straight. When you are ready to actually place your order please take a moment to send me a separate order email with the subject line "Summer Glau". Include your screen name, real name, order info (which heads, how many, painted or not) and shipping address. Also note your screen name in your PayPal payment so I can cross reference.
My email address, both for PayPal and your order email is [email protected]. If you can only send a money order please PM or email me to arrange.
Use a format something like this please....
Subject line: Summer Glau
Screen name: (Your screen name here)
Real name: (your real name here)
Shipping Address: (your address here)
Bald Summer (quantity) Painted (Y/N)
Regular Cameron (quantity) Painted (Y/N)
Battle Damage Cameron (quantity) Painted (Y/N)
River Tam (quantity) Painted (Y/N)
This will REALLY help me keep things straight. Looks like I'm going to be awfully busy with commissions, so any little thing to help with my organization will be deeply appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation!
As Cryoguns laid out in the first post, the pre-casting discounted price will be $20.00 per head plus $5.00 shipping in th US ( up to 5 heads, add $1 for every head over that ) for an unpainted head from me. Check with me for international shipping (should be about the same). If you are having Kuato paint yours, do not send shipping charges to me. I will send a large batch of heads for painting to Kuato, so you only need pay him for shipping.
However, Kuato has requested that you NOT send him any money until these heads are ready to go. He's got a lot on his plate now, too!
The pre-casting discount is good as long as you get payment to me before casting commences. After that point the cost will be $35.00 per head. That's the same as I will eventually charge on eBay and elsewhere. So if you want one or more of these your best deal will be to take advantage of the SSF precast price!
Got you updated, Hat!
Chris, what kind of timeframe are we currently looking at for the pre-sale period? I want to make sure people know at least roughly how much time they still have left to be able to get that discount![]()
I'd like to address a question I've seen a few people ask: Will you be able to see a painted version before the end of the discount period?
Well, since the precasting discount, by definition, ends when I start casting copies and I need to cast a copy in order to have it painted, you see the problem!!
However, since there are multiple versions of this head and my plans include making a mold on the first version before modifying the sculpt I'll try to cast and paint a copy for consideration before finishing them all. I'll see if Kuato will have time to paint it, but if not you may have to suffer through my inferior paint job!