Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Beta

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they're making these for the release of streetfighter 4


all I see is red x' you have a link?
Can't wait for the PS3 version to be made available to UK gamers, as I've had one of these bad boys waiting in the wings ;)


it's an absolute joy to use for 2D fighters
Just for remenber, the original Ryu song theme from SF II Arcade :rock2

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latest trailer from used made me smile :lol

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how much are those joystick controllers going to cost?
latest trailer from used made me smile :lol

the music was AWESOME :lol:lol

10) The CPU difficulty. In the original game, the difficulty of the computer AI is ridiculously hard. It’s harder than in any other Street Fighter game ever. Beating the first opponent is hard and beating the third one is usually beyond hard. Well, it’s just as hard as ever if you pick Classic mode, but in Remixed mode, we fixed up the difficulty so that easy is actually easy, medium is actually medium, and so on. Try playing the HD Remix arcade mode (where you fight all the CPU opponents), then if you want to risk breaking your controller in frustration, switch to Classic arcade mode.

I remember hard being IMPOSSIBLE, kinda glad they fixed that.