Superman vs Hulk

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Who would win in a fight?

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Lets bring in some positive vibe here.....

Who saved the world more? Sup or Hulk? What say u all?

I say Hulk. He lifted a freakin mountain in Secret Wars. Maybe we should have a poll with this too? :D

Who has a better secret identity trick? (it doesn't matter if identities are known or not)

I say Hulk. Turning gigantic and green works far better than glasses :lol
Who has a better secret identity trick? (it doesn't matter if identities are known or not)

I say Hulk. Turning gigantic and green works far better than glasses :lol

The issue was saving the world but sure we can deviate to identity too. :D

Hulk have better uniform/outfit anyway. Ripped pants = more muscles for the ladies. No stretched undies. :p
Oh, and check out the poll, my guy wins!

The polls don't mean ____. In both cases, the winners were chosen via DC fanboy popularity instead of actually taking the time to look at the stats on paper and what each hero brings to the table. One only has to look at the names of those who voted for the "winners" to prove this. :lol
Superman was saving the world while Banner was still in diapers and the only thing green associated with Banner were the deuces he was filling up said diaper with.
More important than the powers Hulk or Superman possess is the character of the man.

Banner is a brilliant scientist turned hunted man. Inside the Hulk is someone who seeks above all else to survive - by either curing himself or lashing out at those who torment him. At the end of the day Hulk's greatest weakness is Bruce Banner wants the Hulk gone.

Kent is not motivated by survival. He would lay down his life for the right cause. He places the lives of other before his own survival. Clark Kent is a hero who happens to have super powers.

In a fight the thing that often makes a difference is are you fighting FOR something, or simply fighting?

That may be the most important question to answer in a fight between Hulk and Superman.
You've changed this post ^^^ more times than I changed my own. What does my rejection of your question have to do with people wondering why you question their comic book knowledge?

Yes, true. I fixed a spelling error and removed a word. You re-worded the whole post. Why did you do that? Just wondering...

If you feel like you know everything or alot about comics, then good for you. Questioning other peoples knowledge is ridiculous, and you know its not designed to recieve a positive reaction.

I don't know everything, but I do know alot.

This is main reason I asked you about the Superman/Batman battles:

I did it because Batman has no real chance of beating people stronger than him, yet writers pick and choose to let him win because he's weaker and everyone else just has to be stupid.

Like Superman can't go fly 200 feet in the air and just burn Batman to death with his heat vision? NO...Superman has to come down to him so Batman can luckily use kryptonite on him. If you were Superman, and you KNEW your opponent had kryptonite on him and knew how to use it, would you be dumb enough to walk right into it?

I know you wouldn't (not trying to insult u at all), so why do they have to make Superman and others look like a complete idiots when it comes to fighting Batman?

Does Batman actually have super-powers that make his opponents I.Q level drop to -1000000000000000?

When anyone posts something like this I have to wonder if they've ever read a battle between the two because the books I've read address your questions. Again, not insulting you, not calling you liar, no games being played here.

No, I don't know its not designed to recieve a positive reaction. Just asking a question because your questions don't make sense. I guess I'm TOO honest for some peoples taste.

Your guy would be hulks b____.

Way to add something meangingful to conversation. And choosing to side with your buddy doesn't make your statment true.

The polls don't mean ____. In both cases, the winners were chosen via DC fanboy popularity instead of actually taking the time to look at the stats on paper and what each hero brings to the table. One only has to look at the names of those who voted for the "winners" to prove this. :lol

Way to pick and choose what parts you want to reply to. Come on! Give us something! Anything that backs up your reason for the green guy beating the "S" guy.
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More important than the powers Hulk or Superman possess is the character of the man.

Banner is a brilliant scientist turned hunted man. Inside the Hulk is someone who seeks above all else to survive - by either curing himself or lashing out at those who torment him. At the end of the day Hulk's greatest weakness is Bruce Banner wants the Hulk gone.

Kent is not motivated by survival. He would lay down his life for the right cause. He places the lives of other before his own survival. Clark Kent is a hero who happens to have super powers.

In a fight the thing that often makes a difference is are you fighting FOR something, or simply fighting?

That may be the most important question to answer in a fight between Hulk and Superman.

Very good question. Had not looked it from that point of view.
I don't know everything, but I do know alot.

This is main reason I asked you about the Superman/Batman battles:

When anyone posts something like this I have to wonder if they've ever read a battle between the two because the books I've read address your questions. Again, not insulting you, not calling you liar, no games being played here.

No, I don't know its not designed to recieve a positive reaction. Just asking a question because your questions don't make sense. I guess I'm TOO honest for some peoples taste.

Way to add something meangingful to conversation. And choosing to side with your buddy doesn't make your statment true.

Way to pick and choose what parts you want to reply to. Come on! Give us something! Anything that backs up your reason for the green guy beating the "S" guy.

Very good question. Had not looked it from that point of view.


Trolling reported. :wave
Originally Posted by thenammagazine
Because voting was unnecessary.

Quote:This is America sir!!!!! Votes! Did you read Marshall Law by the way? Quote:

Exactly voting is a right in a domocratic society
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Both characters are near invincible. But as I recall, despite beating Hulk is the Marvel vs DC crossover years back, Superman was killed by a DC version of the Hulk years before that. I'll back hulk on this one.
Both characters are near invincible. But as I recall, despite beating Hulk is the Marvel vs DC crossover years back, Superman was killed by a DC version of the Hulk years before that. I'll back hulk on this one.

Yeah but it was a DC version, and we all know from the cross overs the power dial goes to 11 on a scale of 1-10 in that universe.
Not so in the Marvel universe.
So the Marvel Hulk wouldn't have a chance.
Yeah but it was a DC version, and we all know from the cross overs the power dial goes to 11 on a scale of 1-10 in that universe.
Not so in the Marvel universe.
So the Marvel Hulk wouldn't have a chance.

Not according to some people. There was guy a few pages back or in another thread that thought Marvel heroes were all more powerful then DC heroes.
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