SW Dioramas

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Karma -- no, I don't think that's Sideshow at all.


This SW Diorama line came completely out of left field, and it's already made up for whatever grievances I might have had about other pieces in recent times. Yay!

:joy :banana :joy :banana :joy :banana :joy
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!! :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew
darthviper107 said:
That's cool. I don't know if I can afford it though. But if it's in the same price range as the LOTR diorama then that'll be good.

The page says $50 - $350, it'll come down to how involved the pieces are, I'm sure the Obi-Ani will be on the cheeper end of what they can do.
I thought the Marvel Dioramas were approximately 1/7th as well. They can't be 1/9th because Captain America is about 11" tall. If the scale was 1/9th his actual height would be over 8 feet so it has to be closer to 1/7th which puts him just over 6'.
If this line has the same great sculpting as the Frodo/Gollum piece I can't resist. That price range though is a large one so it'll be pick and choose with these. I'm definitely in for this one and if they make an ANH Obi-Wan/Vader piece. If they did a Luke/Slave Leia piece about to jump off the Sail Barge I'd buy that too but nothing else is a definite. I like this idea alot though...
Damn, that looks sweet.

Theres no way I can jump into another line, but if there was one this would probaby be it.

I hope we see a Vader and Obi from ANH.
Fritz said:
I thought the Marvel Dioramas were approximately 1/7th as well. They can't be 1/9th because Captain America is about 11" tall. If the scale was 1/9th his actual height would be over 8 feet so it has to be closer to 1/7th which puts him just over 6'.

Way to get my back bro.
Jedi_Mike said:
Luke/Slave Leia piece about to jump off the Sail Barge

Add that to my list lol. I'm frightened by this line the more I think about it. There are many Star Wars characters that just aren't amazing or have much screen time so that affects the 1/6 line, BUT, there are so many moments that could make for great frozen in time dioramas, this line could be endless, but my wallet is not, what to do what to do.
There is a few I'd like. The "Move Along" scene with the Landspeeder. The Compactor scene. The Han about to lower into Carbonite chamber scene. The Utapau Clones vs Droids, complete with soldier on top of droid firing downwards. The possibilities are really vast here...
They are vast indeed, which is why my wallet is scared and my bank account is hiding behind it lol. A Jango vs Obi-Wan diorama would be sweet too.
Well my gf is going to kill me, but I have to get these along with all of the PF 12" and GG statues now. Im so thankful that I will hopefully be getting to go to work in about 6 months after I finish my undergraduate.
I bet the one the will be $50 is R2-D2 vs Yoda in the fight for the light stick. Then I could see a $350 set being the arena in AOTC.
jason2885 said:
I bet the one the will be $50 is R2-D2 vs Yoda in the fight for the light stick. Then I could see a $350 set being the arena in AOTC.

That, or Mace's Crew and Palpatine from ROTS
Awesome news! I won't get this first 1, I'm only OT, but it's great. I want a 3 piece Luke, Emperor, Vader! OR Vader holding Palpatine over his head getting zapped!
mfoga said:
Yes I want that one:chew
