tantive IV

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this is going to be an epic display.............:lecture


A few pics update....trying to get the colors right....(the crates need to be more blue-ish and I'm not sure about the walls:dunno and I won't forget the weathering) but overall I'm pleased so far :)
WOW the Tantive IV dio is spoton in every aspect.

The Tatooine dio is coming along amazingly and with the walls if you want a little more of a weathered feel to them use a mix of brown and dark yellow pastels and it will work great.


another wip pic..... I did the weathering, ground (sand) and repainted the crates. Still to be done: the grating on the front, weathering the crates and of course the lights (ordered them but haven't gotten notice yet).
you have done an amazing job.................absolutely brilliant work.

are your stormies too loose to stand up on their own?
Thanx for all the kind replies guys!!!
Actually yes, with the backpacks they do have the tendencie to fall over....'m gonna coat the stands with sand so you won't even notice that they are on stands as they are "sunken" into the ground.
ah that will be cool. it's hard to make out from the screen cap........but is that some kind of grating at the door way floor or a shadow from a grating above the door jamb?

this whole scene reminded me that i need to pick up a hasbro garidan to rework.

Ok Sideshow sailors..... the dockingbay 94 dio is as good as finished :blissy. Still waiting for the lights..... As you can see a "diotower" is in the making. Soon I'll post some closeups for those interested.