Is this really going to be confirmed 1/6 scale?
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...where the hell would i put that thing...
Everyone's excited by this monster but has anyone really thought about whether or not they actually like the design?
Doesn't look like a Bat to me, looks more like a Mosquito.
Everyone's excited by this monster but has anyone really thought about whether or not they actually like the design?
Doesn't look like a Bat to me, looks more like a Mosquito.
Everyone's excited by this monster but has anyone really thought about whether or not they actually like the design?
Doesn't look like a Bat to me, looks more like a Mosquito.
As well as I think the Tumbler (and most likely the Bat) work for Nolan's universe, the design of the vehicles don't make me want to display large scale versions of them. The Burton Batmobile on the other hand is very tempting in 1/6.
And non-1/6 scale figure collectors, or more simply, non-collectors, would look at the kind of money we spend on these big action figures or(to be more insulting) dolls... and say what a DUMB waste of money. Guess it all depends on perspective, huh? Think about that the next time you make a sweeping generalization about all the people on this thread who've said they're going to buy this.
What I love most about what Nolans done with Batman is how he went about it.The vision.Starting everything from the Batmobile and going for that sinister,stealthy military look a company like Wayne Enterprises would master and he s done it so well!!I love the hardware and how it s all mapped out as much as any of the characterisation in these films.He s done such a great job!!
Because spending THAT kind of money on a model of an air vehicle that DOESNT fly would just be dumb. Looks nice....but looks are NOT everything.
HOOOOLD on there buddy. I didn't mean to offend anyone. I am just saying for what they plan on asking for this thing, in MY OPINION, if it doesn't fly it would just be pointless. I don't care what ANYONE spends their money on since it is THEIR money. I will admire its looks, but I don't plan on dropping that kind of money for something that isn't a scale WORKING replica.
Wait... you actually think this should fly?
Wait... you actually think this should fly?
Nobody tell him about the upcoming Delorean. Word on the Hong Kong street is the Sideshow Exclusive version can time travel in addition to being highway safe up to 88mph!