Could someone tell me what the measurement is from the tip of the gun to the back of the base please?
I need to see if it'll fit in the space i have? Cheers guys
Sorry, but now is inside display, I can't do that for you ...![]()
How did you attach the cables to the threaded nuts and how did you attach the nuts to the endo skull?
What size threaded nuts are those? I plan on doing this to mune when it arrives end of this month
I just got Chewee to do mine. I thought it was a reasonable price, PM him.
Your right Mike(AR-Ballistic) I'm going to have to sell all my preds and get this!!!
Hi Guys
I got my endoskeleton the other day and everything was fine until we moved it into place and the eyes stopped working.
We pushed down on him and the eyes lit up then went off again, so i called my dad around and he cleaned the feet connections with meths and made sure they sprung back ok which they did but it still wasn't working.
So he took apart the body and legs cleaned these contacts:
And these body contact points
Critical bit
In this picture you'll notice one pin is shorter than other:
So very gently he pulled the same level as the other pin and saw that the pin wasn't springing back like the feet pins do so he gave it a light spray of WD40 and worked the pins in & out until they then sprung on their own, then rebuilt the Endo and the problem was solved!!
Hope this helps anyone else that has this problem in the future.
Hi Jay. Glad you got it fixedI have never had this problem with mine luckily but if it stops working I will know what to do. The only issue I have had with this is one of the blue LED's has fallen inside the base so I will have to take it apart some day to get it out as it is not possible through the original hole. Now you can enjoy it for what it is. Cheers
Yeah i'd read over at the statue forums of a few with this problem but cleaning the feet pins worked for them but not me so i thought may as well post another fix so people don't have to mess sending it back.
How did the blue light fall in your base?
Hi Guys
I got my endoskeleton the other day and everything was fine until we moved it into place and the eyes stopped working.
We pushed down on him and the eyes lit up then went off again, so i called my dad around and he cleaned the feet connections with meths and made sure they sprung back ok which they did but it still wasn't working.
So very gently he pulled the same level as the other pin and saw that the pin wasn't springing back like the feet pins do so he gave it a light spray of WD40 and worked the pins in & out until they then sprung on their own, then rebuilt the Endo and the problem was solved!!
Hope this helps anyone else that has this problem in the future.
Yeah will be tricky but as you say needs doing if you ever need to sell it.I think it was not glued in right so when I took it out the box it must have worked loose and fell inside, the only problem is that I think the base is sealed and it also has a cover on it so I am not looking forward to fixing it as it will be a lot of work, it doesn't bother me but if I ever come to sell it then it may be a problem. Cheers![]()
Jay, thanks a ton for posting this. I noticed the same thing on the first endo I received and did try to fool around with that particular spring, but did not do the WD-450 thing, that was a great idea!
Good man because Terminator >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything Predator.